发布于 2023-01-24
多久喂一次家养金鱼家养金鱼每天可以喂1-3次,具体每天喂几次可以根据它们的生长发育阶段来决定。如果金鱼还在襁褓中,饲养员可以每天喂它们两次。当温度相对较高时,它们可以选择一天喂三次。金鱼在婴儿期对食物和营养有很大的需求,但它们的食物摄入量很少。饲养员需要多次给它们喂食少量食物,以确保它们有足够的营养。当它们长大后,饲养员可以减少喂食的频率。它可以每天喂食一次,但每次喂食的量需要逐渐增加。如果温度较低或他们的饮食条件较差,他们可以选择每2-3天喂食一次How often to feed domestic goldfish Domestic goldfish can be fed 1-3 times a day, and the specific number of times a day can be determined according to their growth and development stage. If goldfish are in their infancy, the breeder can feed them twice a day. When the temperature is relatively high, they can choose to feed them three times a day. Goldfish have a large demand for food and nutrition in their infancy, but their food intake is small. The breeder needs to feed them a small amount of food many times to ensure their adequate nutrition When they grow up, the breeder can reduce the frequency of feeding. It can be fed once a day, but the amount of each feeding needs to be gradually increased. If the temperature is low or their eating condition is poor, they can choose to feed once every 2-3 days