发布于 2023-01-25
金鱼雌雄分化图金鱼区分雌雄时,雌金鱼通常比雄金鱼更圆,特别是肚子比雄金鱼大,雌金鱼的体色比雄金鱼深此外,你还可以看到它的生殖器。一般来说,雄性金鱼的生殖器较长,呈凹形,而雌性金鱼的生殖器比雄性金鱼大,并向外凸出。当雄性和雌性金鱼在一起时,它们可以很容易地通过尾巴的形状来区分性别Goldfish male and female differentiation diagram When goldfish distinguish male and female, the female goldfish is usually more rounded than the male goldfish, especially the belly is larger than the male goldfish, and the body color of the female goldfish is darker than the male goldfish In addition, you can also see its genitals. Generally, the male goldfish's genitals are longer and concave, while the female goldfish's genitals are larger than the male goldfish and bulge outward In addition, the tail of the male goldfish is generally thick and flat, but for the female goldfish, their tail is relatively small. When the male and female goldfish are together, they can easily distinguish the gender through the shape of the tail
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