
访客 发布于 2023-01-25 阅读(25)




Daily observation of goldfish breeding

Goldfish (details)

Many people like to raise goldfish, but they don't know the rules, and often the goldfish die of unknown causes at the end. In fact, it is also very important to observe their daily life when raising goldfish. I will tell you how to observe their daily life when raising goldfish

Normal goldfish have bright red gill filaments and open gill covers freely. In diseased individuals, gill filaments are dim and white, or decayed or flocculent hyphae adhere, gill cover is unable to open, and sluggish at the edge or corner of the pool. The fins of healthy goldfish are developed and stretched, and fluctuate freely. The fins of sick goldfish are prone, unable to stretch, and have white spots or hyperemia and decay on the fins. If there are granular bubbles in the fin, it belongs to the hot tail, and it will disappear as long as the new water is replaced. The goldfish with sarcomas are bright and plump, and the diseased individuals have sarcomas shrunk, dull, or rotten

The normal goldfish has bright and shining eyes, which can rotate freely and sparkle. The diseased goldfish has two blind eyes and is attached with a layer of white film or flocculent hypha. Healthy goldfish have flexible mouth joints and can hunt for bait freely. Sick individuals have malfunctioning mouth joints and appear red, swollen or rotten

The normal goldfish has a strong appetite and often looks for food at the bottom or near the pool. Sick individuals are sluggish and do not feed. The normal goldfish has black and gray feces. The feces of diseased individuals are not striped, milky white or with bubbles. The color of the water for goldfish breeding, clear water or green water is more suitable for fish growth, and the color of the water is white, turbid or brown, which should be replaced in time