
访客 发布于 2023-01-25 阅读(25)


What medicine should be used for the disease of Heding red goldfish

What medicine should be used for the disease of Heding red goldfish:

1. White spot disease: white spot disease is a disease that often occurs in Heding red goldfish. If the disease is found in time, it can be treated with smear method. If it is found later, it should be heated without hesitation. The sooner the better. Due to the strong temperature difference effect, the temperature rises to five or six degrees, and the white spot disease of red goldfish will be significantly improved

2. Eye protrusion: the eye of Heding red goldfish is protruding, and the surrounding eye is red and swollen and inflamed. The main causes of the disease are generally caused by long-term non-replacement of water, aging of water quality, insufficient filtration, improper pH of water, etc. It can be treated with erythromycin eye ointment