发布于 2023-01-25
澳大利亚龙鱼种养殖简介龙鱼(详细介绍)澳大利亚龙鱼是澳大利亚产的龙鱼种。澳大利亚龙鱼包括星点龙鱼和星点斑马,其中星点龙鱼主要分布在澳大利亚北部海域,星点斑马分布在澳大利亚东部海域。澳大利亚龙鱼作为一种手鱼,价格相对便宜,但也受到很多玩家的欢迎1、珍珠龙鱼珍珠龙鱼主要分布在澳大利亚北部,是澳大利亚龙鱼的一种,也被称为星斑龙鱼。通过观察珍珠龙鱼,我们可以很容易地发现珍珠龙鱼的外观特征。珍珠龙鱼的头部相对较小,与金龙鱼和红龙鱼等亚洲龙鱼相比,珍珠龙鱼头部也相对尖锐。从鳍上看,珍珠龙鱼鳍上点缀着金色条纹,它们就像闪闪发光的珍珠。珍珠龙鱼的胸鳍相对较小,尾鳍呈圆形;珍珠龙鱼的体色多为浅棕色,尾鳍附近的体色相对较深。有些个体也呈现出金黄色或灰绿色,而鳞片大多为银白色,鳞片边缘有红色的环纹,看起来非常漂亮。当你观察珍珠龙鱼的体型时,你可以看到,与亚洲龙鱼相比,珍珠龙鱼在接吻前相对长、窄、短。这些与亚洲龙鱼非常不同。上述特殊的外观特征也使得珍珠龙鱼吸引了许多龙鱼爱好者。鱼缸里养着一条珍珠龙鱼。它鳍上的圆形斑点和鳞片上的圆形斑为珍珠龙鱼增添了许多观赏价值,仿佛水中的珍珠在光线的折射下发出了非常美丽的光。2、 斑马鱼在澳大利亚北部的新几内亚被发现。它属于澳大利亚龙鱼和明星龙鱼。星斑条纹龙鱼的体长可达70厘米,幼鱼也极其美丽。条纹龙鱼的头很大。它身体侧面的红色斑点使它足够明亮。每条鳍也有黄色的星形条纹。其身上的星形金色斑点大大提升了星形龙鱼的观赏价值成鱼之后,星形条纹龙鱼的体色为金黄色中略带银色,背鳍为橄榄色,每条鳍的边缘为黑色。在成鱼之后,星纹龙鱼添加了橄榄色和黑色,这使它看起来更加美丽可爱,并为它的傲慢增添了几分刚毅。简而言之,成鱼的星纹龙鱼更具观赏性。和星点龙鱼一样,星点条纹龙鱼霸道凶猛。还建议不要与其他鱼类混合3、星点龙鱼星点龙龙鱼体长可达50厘米,幼鱼美丽动人。头很小。身体侧面有许多星形斑点。它们按顺序排列。从远处看,它们像小星星一样闪烁。臀鳍、尾鳍和背鳍有金色星点条纹。所谓“人如其名”。星点鱼身上的星点正是它区别于其他龙鱼的地方,并且有自己的特点。幼鱼的美丽带来了巨大的观赏价值。海星长成鱼后,它的体色是银色,带有美丽的黄色,背鳍是橄榄绿色,腹部是银色的,每个鳍的边缘都是黑色的星点龙鱼非常凶猛,攻击性很强。建议不要将它们混合。生活条件限于弱酸性水,硬度为软水,PH值在6.5至705之间,水温在24至28摄氏度之间,这与其他龙鱼的生活条件相似。同样,也需要避免惊吓龙鱼和水温或PH的突然变化。虽然生活条件与其他龙鱼相似,但每一条龙鱼都有自己的气质。因此,主要饲养者应该仔细观察,并给它们最合适的生活环境Introduction to the breeding of Australian arowana species arowana (detailed introduction) Australian arowana is a species of arowana produced in Australia. The Australian arowana includes the star point arowana and the star point zebra, of which the star point arowana is mainly distributed in the northern waters of Australia, and the star point zebra is distributed in the eastern waters of Australia. Australian arowana, as a hand fish, is relatively cheap, but it is also popular with many players 1、 Pearl arowana Pearl arowana is mainly distributed in northern Australia, which is a kind of Australian arowana, also known as the star spotted arowana. By observing the pearl arowana, we can easily find the appearance characteristics of the pearl arowana. The head of the pearl arowana is relatively small, and the head of the pearl arowana is also relatively sharp compared with the Asian arowana such as the golden arowana and the red arowana Seen from the fins, the fins of the pearl arowana are dotted with golden stripes, and they are like shining pearls. The pectoral fin of the pearl arowana is relatively small, and the tail fin is round; The body color of the pearl arowana is mostly light brown, and the body color near the tail fin is relatively dark. Some individuals also show golden yellow or gray-green, while the scales are mostly silvery white, and there are red ring markings on the edge of the scales, which looks very beautiful When you look at the body shape of the pearl arowana, you can see that the pearl arowana is relatively long, narrow and very short before kissing compared with the Asian arowana. These are very different from the Asian arowana. The above special appearance features also make the pearl arowana attract many arowana lovers. A pearl arowana is raised in the tank. The circular spots on its fins and the circular spots on its scales add a lot of ornamental value to the pearl arowana, as if the pearls in the water, under the refraction of the light, emit a very beautiful light. 2、 Spotted zebrafish zebrafish is found in New Guinea, northern Australia. It belongs to Australian arowana as well as the star arowana. The body length of the star-spotted striped arowana can reach 70 cm, and the young fish are also extremely beautiful. The striped arowana has a large head. The red spots on the side of its body make it brilliant enough. Each fin also has yellow star-shaped stripes. The star-shaped golden spots on its body greatly enhance the ornamental value of the star-shaped arowana After the adult fish, the body color of the star-striped arowana is slightly silver in golden yellow, the dorsal fin is olive, and the edge of each fin is black. After the adult fish, the star-striped arowana is added with olive and black, which makes it look more beautiful and lovely, and adds some fortitude to its arrogance. In short, the star-striped arowana of the adult fish is more ornamental. Like the star-point arowana, the star-point striped arowana is overbearing and ferocious. It is also recommended not to mix with other fish 3、 The star-dot arowana The body length of the star-dot arowana can reach 50 cm. The young fish is beautiful and moving. The head is small. There are many star-shaped spots on the side of the body. They are arranged in order. From a distance, they flash like small stars. The gluteal fin, caudal fin and dorsal fin have golden star-dot stripes. The so-called "person is like his name". The star-dot on the star-dot body is exactly what distinguishes it from other arowana and has its own characteristics, The beauty of the young fish brings great ornamental value. After the starfish has grown into a fish, its body color is silver with beautiful yellow, its dorsal fin is olive green, its belly is silvery, and the edges of each fin are black The star point arowana is very fierce and aggressive. It is recommended not to mix them. The living conditions are limited to weakly acidic water, the hardness is soft water, the PH is between 6.5 and 705, and the water temperature is between 24 and 28 degrees Celsius, which is similar to the living conditions of other arowana. Similarly, it is also necessary to avoid scaring the arowana and sudden changes in water temperature or PH. Although the living conditions are similar to those of other arowanas, each arowana has its own temperament. Therefore, the main breeders should carefully observe and give them the most suitable living environment
- 上一篇: 澳大利亚星点龙可以与鹦鹉、泰国虎、菠萝、风甚至罗汉混合,但要
- 下一篇: 光线对龙鱼颜色的影响