发布于 2023-01-25
蓝龙鱼物种简介蓝龙鱼蓝龙鱼(详细信息)的形状也非常特殊。它们的体色是蓝灰色,两侧有两个不规则的深蓝色斑点。根据相关数据,毛腹兽于1896年由西德J.F.G.Umlauff首次记录并出版。它的英文名是BlueGourami,也称为ThreeSpotourami,它是假的。别名:Lamanosaurusphylum:Cchordatefamily:Siliperidae别名名称:Lamanoosaurus王国:动物王国亚门:脊椎动物亚门分布地区:亚热带热带地区亚目:脊椎动物亚目Introduction to the species of blue arowana Blue arowana Blue arowana (details) is also very special in shape. Their body color is blue-gray, and there are two irregular dark blue spots on their sides. According to relevant data, the Trichogastertrichopterus was first recorded and published by the West German J.F.G. Umlauff in 1896. Its English name is BlueGourami, also known as Three-Spotourami, which is fake Alternative name: Lamanosaurus phylum: Chordate family: Siliperidae Alternative name: Lamanosaurus kingdom: animal kingdom subphyla: vertebrate subphyla distribution area: subtropical tropical region subphyla: vertebrate subphyla