发布于 2023-01-25
如果银龙鱼不吃呢?如今,越来越多的人喜欢养宠物,而且宠物种类繁多。除了猫和狗,很多人喜欢养宠物鱼,比如银龙鱼。如果银龙鱼不吃呢?来看看吧如果银龙鱼不吃呢1。如果刚到家的银龙鱼不吃东西,不要太担心。这是因为银龙鱼不适应新环境。当银龙鱼适应时,它会吃掉2。当银龙鱼生病时,它也会出现不吃东西的症状。此时,主人需要仔细检查银龙鱼的状态,以便将药物应用于案例What if silver arowana doesn't eat? Nowadays, more and more people like to keep pets, and there are various kinds of pets. In addition to cats and dogs, many people like to keep pet fish, such as silver arowana. What if silver arowana doesn't eat? Come and have a look What if silver arowana doesn't eat 1. If the silver arowana just arrived home doesn't eat, don't worry too much. This is because the silver arowana is not adapt to the new environment. When the silver arowana adapts, it will eat 2. When the silver arowana is sick, it will also have the symptoms of not eating. At this time, the owner needs to carefully check the status of the silver arowana in order to apply the medicine to the case
- 上一篇: 一条银龙鱼多少钱
- 下一篇: 最贵的银龙鱼是什么颜色的。有关详细信息,请参考以下价格: