
访客 发布于 2023-01-24 阅读(20)


虽然斗鱼是一个相对容易饲养的品种,但由于斗鱼的战斗性,在饲养斗鱼的过程中仍有许多需要注意的事项。以下是斗鱼养殖的一些特点。1、 斗鱼相遇并战斗。顾名思义,斗鱼就是爱。如果两条斗鱼相遇,它们必须战斗至死。斗鱼拥有美丽的外表和强壮的身体,因此受到许多鱼类爱好者的青睐。2、 Betas很容易饲养。它们属于鲈科。它们的鳃很特别。除了在水中呼吸,他们还可以呼吸水面上的空气。因此,它们对缺氧也有很强的抵抗力。只要水无毒、无菌,就很容易保持清澈。这是一种很容易使用的热带鱼

3、看看斗鱼的繁殖情况。斗鱼的养殖对其品质非常重要。与其他一些小鱼不同,它的变化很小。一百条斗鱼中有一百条,并不完全相同。如果你想把斗鱼养好,你不仅要有好的血液,还要小心喂养它。4、 泵送污水和注入新水只需要使用塑料软管,通过每3至7天一次的虹吸来清除水箱底部的粪便和污垢,并抽出约1/3的污水,并注入脱氯的自来水,以创造清洁的水环境。5、 随时清除水族箱中的污垢。由于无动力设备驱动水循环,因此需要随时注意去除残留饵料和粪便形成的水面油膜。你可以用竹筷子夹一张吸水纸,然后轻轻地将它拖在水面上。此外,还应根据水质适时添加一些有益微生物和微量元素。6、 斗鱼是一种杂食性和肉食性的鱼类。因此,它可以用多种饵料喂养。尽量不要让斗鱼的饮食过于单调

Introduction to the characteristics of fighting fish breeding

Thai fighting fish

Although fighting fish is a relatively easy breed to raise, there are still many things to pay attention to in the process of raising fighting fish due to the fighting nature of fighting fish. Here are some characteristics of fighting fish breeding for you. 1、 The fighting fish meet and fight. As the name implies, the fighting fish is love. If two fighting fish meet, they must fight to death. The betta has a beautiful appearance and a strong body, so it is favored by many fish lovers. 2、 Betas are easy to feed. They belong to the family Percidae. Their gills are very special. In addition to breathing in the water, they can also breathe air on the water surface. Therefore, they also have a strong resistance to hypoxia. As long as the water is non-toxic and sterile, it is easy to keep it clear. It is a kind of tropical fish that is easy to use

3、 Take a look at the breeding of the fighting fish. The breeding of the fighting fish is very important to its quality. Unlike some other small fish, it has a small variation. There are 100 fighting fish in one hundred, not exactly the same. If you want to raise betta well, you should not only have good blood, but also feed it carefully. 4、 Pumping sewage water and injecting new water only need to use a plastic hose to remove the feces and dirt at the bottom of the tank by siphoning every 3 to 7 days, and pump out about 1/3 of the sewage, and inject the de-chlorinated tap water to create a clean water environment. 5、 Remove dirt from the aquarium at any time. Because the unpowered equipment drives the water circulation, it is necessary to pay attention to remove the oil film on the water surface formed by residual bait and feces at any time. You can use bamboo chopsticks to clip a absorbent paper and gently drag it on the water surface. In addition, you should also add some beneficial microorganisms and trace elements according to the water quality at the right time. 6、 The betta is a kind of fish with omnivorous and meat eating habits. Therefore, it can be fed with multiple kinds of bait. Try not to make the diet of the betta too monotonous