
访客 发布于 2023-01-24 阅读(49)











因此,由于本土观赏鱼爱好者的兴起,中国斗鱼首先受到了上涨的推动,然后遵循了人们的审美观念,开始不断改进。只有今天,我们才能看到如此丰富多彩的中国斗鱼Who said that Chinese betta is difficult to climb to the palace of elegance, which is the pride of Chinese ornamental fish. It is no worse than Thai betta.

Pay attention to the old ways of raising fish before, pay attention to more practical knowledge of ornamental fish, and let's simply raise water and easily raise fish

Speaking of fighting fish, many fish friends should first think of Thai fighting fish. Even up to now, Chinese fighting fish are rarely seen in aquariums in small and medium-sized cities in the north. This has to be said to be a pity. In summer, most of the fish shops are still in the world of Thai fighting fish. The main varieties are still horsetail, lion king and half moon

For the fish friends in the south, there may be more opportunities to see Chinese bettas since childhood. With the gradual improvement of Chinese bettas in recent years, more and more Chinese bettas have gradually stepped into the palace of elegance, and can be equally divided with many kinds of Thai bettas. Especially in the overseas aquarium market, Chinese bettas are more popular

So, what are the advantages of Chinese bettas compared with Thai bettas? Although they are all similar ornamental fishes of the family Percidae, the difference in body size and size is not very large

The Chinese betta is first loved by the original ornamental fish keepers. The Chinese betta is actually very widely distributed. They are widely distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and other places in the south of China. They like to live in shallow water or water with dense water and grass. They are beautiful in appearance and color, and their body length ranges from 67 cm to more than 10 cm

From the perspective of geographical distribution, it can be roughly divided into round-tailed betta, red-blue fork-tailed betta, Hong Kong fork-tailed betta, Vietnam black fork-tailed betta, etc

The round-tailed bettas in China are mainly distributed in the north of the Yangtze River basin, and even in Heilongjiang and Xinjiang generations can be found. The fork-tailed bettas are mainly distributed in the south of the Yangtze River

Because of the extensive geographical distribution of Chinese betta, although it is not common in some places in aquariums, it can be seen almost everywhere on the Internet, and some fish friends may even touch Chinese betta when they are collecting in the wild. Therefore, first of all, Chinese betta, as a native fish in China, is still loved by many native ornamental fish lovers

The Chinese betta can adapt to a wider range of temperatures than the Thai betta. Most of the Chinese betta can adapt to a wider range of temperatures. Most of them are relatively resistant to low temperatures. There is no problem for ordinary species to live above 18 degrees. Extreme species can tolerate a low temperature of about five degrees above zero. Even if the water temperature is in the high temperature zone of 31 degrees, there is no problem for Chinese betta

However, if the water temperature of Thai bettas is lower than 20 ℃ for a long time, they are very likely to suffer from water mildew

The requirements of Chinese betta for water quality are not strict. The requirements of Chinese betta for water quality of our breeding are not very strict. Whether it is neutral water quality, weak acid water quality or weak alkaline water quality, they can live normally. The pH of the water is completely controlled between 6.5 and 7.2

So they are a kind of small ornamental fish suitable for rough breeding. At the same time, they are like the Thai betta, and they have the gill tissue, which can fight against the relatively bad water environment. Although they also have certain requirements for the dissolved oxygen in the water, they can breathe directly on the water surface under extremely bad conditions

The majority of Thai bettas still prefer weak acidic soft water. Although they can tolerate neutral water and soft alkaline water, the Chinese bettas can survive under the same poor feeding conditions

To sum up, Chinese betta is better than Thai betta in physique. We also see that Chinese betta is better than Thai betta in terms of water temperature, water quality, individual size and adaptation to harsh environment

In addition, the hybridization degree of Chinese betta is not as frequent as that of Thai betta. At present, there are many native species, so they are better than Thai betta in their own resistance and immunity

This is also why many fish friends like to raise them

The development prospect of the Chinese betta is broader. The Thai betta has experienced a history of more than one hundred years from its initial focus on purely fighting purposes to its present display level. Although the initial improvement time of the Chinese betta is also very early, it has experienced a long period of stagnation, and there is almost no significant change in the species

Until the rise of various kinds of native fish in recent years, the Chinese betta has gradually become popular, such as the rise of the more popular blue fork and red flame, which is the scene of three or five years, but it has been popular among the betta lovers and native fish lovers at home and abroad since its listing

Because the so-called "native fish" has not existed for several years. If we go back to 20 or 30 years ago, no one would be interested in wild map fish, wild pineapple fish, wild color and other ornamental fish. Most of what we focus on are artificially bred species. At that time, even if there is a wild map, it was evaluated as poor quality, and even would not buy it at all, let alone wild pineapple fish, In our eyes, they are all garbage

Therefore, due to the rise of native ornamental fish lovers, the Chinese betta was first driven by the rise, and then followed people's aesthetic concepts and began to constantly improve. Only today can we see such colorful Chinese betta

Just as the Thai betta has been greatly improved in China, it is also called the Thai betta in the end, and most of the betta in China, whether domestic or foreign, are also called the Chinese betta. Anyway, they all carry forward the Chinese betta

Of course, if this kind of improvement can all come from our country, it will be more perfect, so the development prospect of Chinese betta is quite broad

What are the issues for attention in raising Chinese betta? 1、 Strong adaptability doesn't mean that we can raise them randomly

Although Chinese bettas have strong adaptability, if we want to raise them well, we should still provide the best water quality, breeding environment and water temperature

For example, the water temperature is between 22 and 26 degrees, which is quite good. Another problem is the feeding environment. Many fish friends think that they are not afraid of hypoxia at all, so they can feed in small water bodies. This is OK, but we should pay attention to two points:

One is that the feeding water should be as open as possible, which will be more conducive to their growth and color, and the other is that the water surface should not be too high, especially for fish tanks with cylinder heads, For example, it is only a glass cover. We must leave them a place to breathe, because they must go to the water regularly to breathe. At the same time, they prefer to jump the tank, and the water level cannot be too full

Their food is mainly carnivorous, small fish worms or red worms are the best, and fish feed is the second. As for how to cultivate their belligerence, the feeding method is the same as that of Thai bettas. We can also use the isolation box to raise two to increase their belligerence

The fighting nature of Chinese bettas is not as fierce as that of Thai bettas. If the water body is wide and the landscape is reasonable, it can be raised in groups or mixed with other ornamental fish. However, it is better to raise two of them separately or separately after adulthood

I am a veteran of fish farming. Please pay attention to more ornamental fish problems, thank you