
游客 发布于 2023-01-24 阅读(35)










发现者是英国生物学家查尔斯·泰特·里根。PlakadE sarn(BettaSmalagdina)



发现者是德国科学家Werner Ladigas。






发现者也是德国科学家Werner Ladigas,栖息地分布:它生活在整个泰国南部的自然水域,从素叻他尼南部到马来西亚。PlakadMahachai(BettaMahachainsis)


BettaMaachaiensis于2012年发现,发现者是泰国Mahidol大学的Bhinyo Panijpan博士。PlakadTawan ork(BettaSiamorientalis)



这是泰国Mahidol大学的Bhinyo Panijpan博士发现的第二种泰国斗鱼,“由于泰国斗鱼的日益流行,多年来,斗鱼(又称暹罗斗鱼)被大量选择性繁殖,产生了各种不同的物种。甚至有大量的水族馆爱好者也参与了其中。丰富的种类往往使许多爱好者在家中的一面墙上都有水族馆。这也是一种个性化的欣赏之美,灵感来自斗鱼的“攻击性”特征







At present, the most complete Thai matador species on the whole network share the introduction of the five native Thai matador species in the "top".

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The category of fighting fish in Thailand Previously, the BBC Natural Records Channel (BBCEarth) called Thai fighting fish (Siamese fighting fish) "the pride of Thailand" in the broadcasting of the relevant programs of fighting fish in Thailand, because they left beautiful symbols in Thai culture very early in history. Subsequently, after consideration, the Ministry of Health of Thailand upgraded the "Siamese Beta" to the national aquatic animal display in Thailand

It is also because Thailand is the first country to artificially breed bettas (with a history of more than 100 years), which makes almost every kind of artificially bred bettas in the world today are wild fish species originating from Thailand. At present, there are five different types of native fish species in Thailand, which are considered to be the predecessor of all the species of fighting fish raised in Southeast Asia

"Thai Boxing", one of Thailand's traditional cultures,

Let's learn about these fighting fish

Initial variety 1. PlakadPakKlang (BettaSplendens)


BettaSplendens was discovered in 1910. This is the world's first internationally recognized species of fighting fish

The discoverer was Charles Tate Regan, a British biologist

Features: red stripes on cheeks, dark orange body under natural light, and green and yellow (sometimes green and blue) reflective scales that are visible all over the body

Habitat distribution: northern Thailand, Bangkok, Chunpeng and Latong

2. PlakadE-sarn (BettaSmaragdina)


BettaSmaragdina was discovered in 1972

The discoverer was Werner Ladigas, a German scientist

Features: This kind of fighting fish looks like a snake, with green and blue scales interwoven in the whole body

Habitat distribution: in the static or slow shallow water of northeastern Thailand and Laos

3. PlakadPakTai (BettaImbellis)

Prakad BettaImbellis

BettaImbellis was discovered in 1975

The discoverer is also Werner Ladigas, a German scientist

Features: green stripes on the cheek and green scales all over the body, the tail and front fin are red. It is worth noting that the tip of its front fin is usually relatively long white, which looks like the front end of a spear or water drop

Habitat distribution: It lives in the natural waters of the whole southern Thailand, from the southern Surat Thani to Malaysia

4. PlakadMahachai (BettaMahachaiensis)


BettaMahachaiensis Discovered in 2012

The discoverer was Dr. Bhinyo Panijpan of Mahidol University in Thailand

Features: green head, dark back and shiny green body make its body look like corn cob

Habitat distribution: They only live in a small area of Mahachai and Longzicuo in Thailand, and have been almost extinct

5. PlakadTawan-ork (BettaSiamorientalis)


BettaSiamorientalis was discovered in 2013

This is the second Thai betta species discovered by Dr. Bhinyo Panijpan of Mahidol University in Thailand

Features: Smoky black head and green scales all over its body, round tail, tail fin head, ventral fin tip and front fin are red

Habitat distribution: Chachoengsao, Thailand, to Aranyaprathet and the whole of Cambodia

Due to the increasing popularity of Thai bettas, for many years, bettas (also known as Siamese bettas) have been selectively bred in a large number, producing a variety of different species. Even a large number of aquarium enthusiasts have participated in it. The rich categories often make many enthusiasts have aquariums on one wall of their home. This is also a kind of personalized beauty of appreciation inspired by the fighting fish's "aggressive" characteristics

A scene in the family of the matador player

the space relationship. The specific category classification will be introduced in [next]. This article first attaches the conventional tail type classification chart for your appreciation

Siamese matador tail type classification chart

Please pay attention to the next "Introduction to 26 Thai matador species classification"

Thank you

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