发布于 2023-01-27
大成三色锦鲤能和其他鱼混合吗?可以和大成三色锦鲤混养的鱼有很多,比如金鱼、地图鱼、龙鱼、清道夫等,都可以和锦鲤相处融洽在锦鲤混种的过程中,最好选择体型相近的,否则可能会出现大鱼吃小鱼的现象。因为大成三色锦鲤比较胆小,所以要选择性格温和的混鱼,否则可能会受到惊吓Can Dacheng tricolor koi be mixed with other fish? There are many fish that can be mixed with Dacheng tricolor koi, such as goldfish, map fish, dragon fish, scavenger, etc., can get along well with koi In the process of mixed breeding of koi, it is better to choose the ones with similar body size, otherwise the phenomenon of big fish eating small fish may occur. Because the Dacheng tricolor koi is relatively timid, it is necessary to choose the mixed fish with mild character, otherwise it may be frightened
- 上一篇: 大正三色锦鲤的养殖环境
- 下一篇: 大成三色鲤鱼能繁殖吗?