发布于 2023-01-27
锦鲤物种介绍锦鲤锦鲤鱼是一种锦鲤,非常特别。由于锦鲤的特殊特性,许多人会将其作为风水鱼饲养。因为锦鲤也有招财的意思,所以把它们放在风水好的地方也被认为是吉祥的。中文学名:锦鲤游泳能力:强拉丁学名:yamabakiogon王国:动物王国pH值:微碱性,pH值为7.2~7.5域;弱气候区:温带、寒带食性:杂食性地理分布:日本食物:水蚤、水蚯蚓、浮游藻类繁殖方式:产卵Introduction to the species of golden carp Golden carp Golden carp is a golden carp, very special. Because of the special characteristics of golden carp, many people will raise them as feng shui fish. Because the golden carp also means to attract money, it is also said to be auspicious to place them in places with good geomancy Chinese scientific name: golden carp swimming ability: strong Latin scientific name: yamabakiogon kingdom: animal kingdom pH value: slightly alkaline, PH value is 7.2~7.5 domain; Weak Climate zone: temperate zone, frigid zone Feeding habits: omnivorous Geographic distribution: Japan Food: water flea, water earthworm, planktonic algae Reproduction mode: egg laying