发布于 2023-01-27
秋翠锦鲤不吃是怎么回事?秋翠锦鲤不吃东西的原因有很多。例如,1。不适应新环境:这是秋翠锦鲤不吃的主要原因治疗:改善环境。如果水质不好,更换水以调节水质;如果你受到惊吓,创造一个安静舒适的环境,然后让秋天的绿锦鲤慢慢恢复,然后喂食2。细菌感染:当锦鲤出现烂鳃、肠炎等细菌性疾病时,会引起食欲不振治疗方法:停止进食,及时治疗鱼病,待秋青锦鲤治愈后再逐渐进食What's the matter with Qiucui Koi not eating? There are many reasons for Qiucui Koi not eating. For example, 1. Not adapting to the new environment: this is the main reason for Qiucui Koi not eating Treatment: improve the environment. If the water quality is not good, change the water to adjust the water quality; If you are frightened, create a quiet and comfortable environment, and then let the autumn green koi slowly recover, and then feed 2. Bacterial infection: When the golden carp has bacterial diseases such as rotten gills and enteritis, it will cause loss of appetite Treatment method: stop feeding, treat the fish disease in time, and feed gradually after the autumn green koi is cured
- 上一篇: 益生菌对锦鲤的影响
- 下一篇: 秋天的绿锦鲤产卵怎么样?