
访客 发布于 2023-01-27 阅读(16)


对于锦鲤主人,今天我们将介绍一些相关知识,例如如何选择养鱼场,如何选择鱼种,以及如何购买合适的数量!1、 养鱼场的选择。A、 一定有各种类型的养鱼场拥有优良的鲤鱼品种:有自产的生产者,有大量买卖的自产产业,两者兼而有之。只要选择一个你最喜欢的锦鲤的地方。那些储存了大量锦鲤并投入巨额资金的人,或者那些廉价购买锦鲤并小规模出售锦鲤的人,都有自己的优势,值得一游,但主要原因是他们应该是那些出售血统优良的锦鲤的。如果是生产者,就必须以生产血统优良的种鲤为基础,即鉴赏能力必须强。虽然有些爱好者花了巨资购买锦鲤,但他根本不懂锦鲤的欣赏方法,但有些人只需要几个月的鲤鱼养殖经验就可以有深入的见解。这可能与每个人的天赋和努力研究的程度有关。也有卖锦鲤但对锦鲤知之甚少的人,但也有知识不亚于水产学者的人。当然,我们需要选择具有这些能力的操作员。只有他们才能保持高质量的锦鲤。不言而喻,原产国后期的著名企业都是优秀的。B、 养鱼场的主人必须诚实守信,是所有日本锦鲤主人的合作成员考虑到这一点而选择的指定经营者。他们不仅可以从他们那里购买锦鲤,还可以要求他们提供游泳池管理或健康管理方面的服务。如果有生病的鲤鱼出现,可以进行治疗。他们也可以在施工期间负责锦鲤的设计、施工和寄养。有时,为了培育巨型鲤鱼,他们把它们养在泥塘里,并在参加评估会议时把鱼抬起来。需要他们服务的项目很多,因为选择一个诚实可靠的养鱼场老板是一个不可或缺的重要条件。总之,我们必须选择服务周到的运营商。特别是,全日本一川协会鉴定会的制作程序必须由全日本锦鲤产业的合作成员办理,因此有必要选择具有合作成员身份的产业。C、 养鱼场必须靠近选定的主人,离你的家不远,因为鲤鱼在缺氧或生病时需要紧急服务。当他们有空的时候,找到他们最喜欢的锦鲤也很方便。D、 繁荣的企业主使用腐烂或发霉的饲料对锦鲤的健康有很大影响。因此,饲料的购买必须在繁荣的商业商店进行。因为货物进出很快,所以可以购买新鲜饲料。由于上述原因,饲料不能储存,最好在规定数量内购买新鲜饲料。在繁荣的市场上也有很多机会看到锦鲤。选择可以管理锦鲤和游泳池管理服务E的运营商。作为锦鲤爱好者,锦鲤和泳池管理应该手动完成。然而,经常不可避免的是存在疏忽,例如出现了鱼蚤、最初的溃烂现象或过滤罐的变化。此时,如果有定期的操作员进行检查和指导,这将是有帮助的。如果您因业务或旅行而长时间不在家,也可以委托管理。F、 应选择擅长鱼类处理的谨慎操作员。池塘里养的锦鲤对创伤的抵抗力很弱,如果轻微擦伤或拍打,很容易发炎或溃烂。此外,如果在运输过程中不慎跌落或跳出水槽,往往会损坏标记,甚至导致身体弯曲或腰部萎缩。水质或温度的急剧变化也会损坏锦鲤,严重时可能导致死亡。因此,鲤鱼的处理必须依靠细心和熟练的操作员。2、 池塘中选择的锦鲤品种应该是红白相间、大大小小和昭和,如果它们想看起来奢华美丽的话。这三种鱼的大小也更好。皮光鲤鱼或变体鲤鱼只需要一个或两个箔。如果庇光鲤鱼或变体鲤鱼体型过大,就会破坏红白相间的美感。当然,每个人都喜欢不同的东西。强调他们自己的喜好也是很好的。此外,在繁殖过程中,可能会有一段对昭和的特别喜爱,或是对变异鲤鱼的迷恋。然而,上述三种是主要的,与它们合作是合适的。3、 购买数量与其说是鱼塘的容量,不如说是购买数量。明智的喂食方法当然是少量的。喂少量鱼的第一个好处是,每条鱼都能充分吸收池中的天然饲料,使其发育良好。第二个优点是排泄物少,水污染低,可以保持锦鲤健康的生活环境。4、 饲养锦鲤之前,应首先考虑饲养容器的大小和可容纳的锦鲤尾数。锦鲤的欣赏主要取决于它艳丽的色彩、矫健的体型、优雅的动作和群体游泳的优美姿态。而且,锦鲤必须从后面看,也就是从上面看,这是最好的。如果从侧面看,情况会更糟。为了完全满足这些条件,只有花园和池塘养殖是不可行的What should we pay attention to when purchasing koi?

For koi owners, today we will introduce some relevant knowledge, such as how to select fish farms, how to select fish species, and how to purchase suitable quantities! 1、 Selection of fish farms. A. There must be various types of fish farms that have good varieties of carp: there are self-produced producers, there are self-produced industries who buy and sell in large quantities, and there are both. Just choose a place with your favorite koi. Those who have a large number of koi stored with a huge amount of money, or those who buy them cheaply and sell them on a small scale, have their own advantages and are worth visiting, but the main reason is that they should be those who sell koi of good blood. If it is a producer, it must be based on the production of breeding carp with good pedigree, that is, the ability of appreciation must be strong. Although some enthusiasts spend a huge amount of money to buy koi, but he does not understand the koi appreciation method at all, but some people only need a few months of experience in carp farming to have in-depth insights. This may be related to each person's talent and the degree of hard research. There are also those who sell koi but know little about koi, but there are also those who are no less knowledgeable than aquatic scholars. Of course, we need to choose the operators with these abilities. Only they can keep the high-quality koi. It is self-evident that the famous enterprises in the later part of the country of origin are excellent. B. The owner of the fish farm must be honest and trustworthy, and is the designated operator selected by the cooperative members of all Japanese koi owners in consideration of this. They can not only buy koi from them, but also require them to provide services in pool management or health management. If any sick carp occurs, they can be treated. They can also be entrusted with the design, construction and foster care of koi during construction. Sometimes, in order to breed giant carp, they foster them in the mud pond, and carry the fish when they participate in the evaluation meeting. The items that need their services are numerous, because selecting an honest and reliable fish farm owner is an indispensable and important condition. In a word, we must choose a well-served operator. In particular, the production procedures of the appraisal meeting of the All-Japan Ichikawa Association must be handled by the cooperative members of the all-Japanese koi industry, so it is necessary to select the industry with the status of cooperative members. C. The fish farm must be close to the selected owner and not far from your house, because carp need emergency services when they suffer from hypoxia or disease. It is also convenient to find their favorite koi when they have free time. D. The use of rotten or mouldy feed by a prosperous business owner has a great impact on the health of koi carp. Therefore, the purchase of feed must be made in a prosperous business shop. Because the goods are in and out quickly, fresh feed can be purchased. For the above reasons, feed cannot be stockpiled, and it is ideal to purchase fresh feed within the required amount. There are also many opportunities to see fine koi in the prosperous market. Select the operator who can manage the koi and the pool management service E. As a koi enthusiast, the koi and the pool management should be done by hand. However, it is often unavoidable that there are negligence, such as the occurrence of fish fleas, the initial phenomenon of ulceration or the variation of the filter tank. At this time, it would be helpful if there were regular operators to inspect and instruct. If you are not at home for a long time due to business or travel, you can also entrust management. F. Careful operators who are adept at fish treatment should be selected. The koi raised in the pond is very weak in resistance to trauma, and is prone to inflammation or ulceration if slightly bruised or flapped. In addition, if you fall or jump out of the sink carelessly during transportation, you will often damage the markings, and even cause body bending or waist withering. The sharp change of water quality or temperature will also damage the koi, which may cause death in serious cases. Therefore, the treatment of carp must depend on careful and skilled operators. 2、 The selected species of koi in the pond should be red and white, big and big, and Showa, if they want to look luxurious and beautiful. The size of these three kinds of fish is also better. Piguang carp or variant carp only need one or two foil. If Piguang carp or variant carp is too large, the beauty of red and white will be destroyed. Of course, everyone likes different things. It's also good to emphasize their own preferences. In addition, there may be a period of special love for Zhaohe or a period of fascination with variant carp in the breeding process. However, the three kinds mentioned above are the main ones, and it is appropriate to cooperate with them. 3、 The purchase quantity is not so much the capacity of the fish pond as the purchase quantity. The wise feeding method is of course a small amount. The first advantage of feeding a small amount of fish is that each fish can fully absorb the natural feed in the pool to make it develop well. The second advantage is that there is less excreta and the water pollution is low, which can maintain a healthy living environment for koi. 4、 Before raising koi, the size of the feeding container and the tail number of koi that can be accommodated should be considered first. The appreciation of koi mainly depends on its gorgeous colors, vigorous body shape, elegant movements and the beautiful posture of group swimming. Moreover, koi must be viewed from the back, that is, from the top, which is the best. If viewed from the side, it will be much worse. In order to fully meet these conditions, only garden and pond breeding is necessary. But as urban residents, not everyone has a garden, so we have to use aquariums instead. The feeding density should be adjusted according to the size of the container, water volume, water temperature, oxygenation status, fish size and growth. ▲ When breeding in the garden pond, the varieties are generally red and white, big and white, Showa three colors, gold or platinum, autumn water, light yellow, etc. In the aquarium, people can only watch the side of the koi. They can choose the koi species such as gold, platinum gold, pine leaf gold, mountain blowing gold, etc. that the fish can experience the reflection, and then match with the German carp. However, whether it is raised in the pond or aquarium, most of them are brightly colored koi, supplemented by dark, shiny and elegant ones. ▲ Feeding method Koi carp is an omnivorous fish, which can be fed with animal or plant bait, such as water fleas, water earthworms, shrimp, corn flour, biscuits, instant noodles, vegetables, and even rice balls. However, in order to make the koi colorful, in addition to matching the light, background and water quality, it is more important to feed the highly nutritious special koi color-enhancing artificial feed, which is in the form of flakes or granules. The bait can be put in single or alternatively. Koi are greedy. If they eat too much, they will suffer from food accumulation or constipation. Therefore, we should pay attention to the number and frequency of baits, and follow the principle of less food, more meals, no residual bait and bad water. After hatching, young fish can be fed with rotifers, water fleas or egg yolks at the beginning. The small fish about 2 cm should be fed with red insects and other bait. For fish that grow to more than 5 cm, you can freely eat animal or plant bait. ▲ Number of baits: Koi is a cold-blooded animal. The temperature changes with the water temperature. The number of baits varies with the water temperature. Different seasons must also be fed with different feeds. When the water temperature is low, the aerobic bacteria in the water will drop, the digestive enzymes in the fish intestines will decrease, and the fish will not die because of indigestion due to too much feeding. However, when the next spring comes, the fish will only grow laterally and become fat, but will not grow up. Therefore, the number of feeding cycles is closely related to the temperature. At 10 ℃ -- no feeding at 10~13 ℃ -- 1~2 times a week at 14~15 ℃ -- 2~3 times a week at 16~17 ℃ -- 1~2 times a week at 18~19 ℃ -- 2~3 times a week at 20~23 ℃ -- 3~4 times a week at 23~26 ℃ -- 5~6 times a week ▲ Feeding skills Outdoor koi is large, with a length of up to 1 meter and a weight of about 10 kg. It belongs to the wide temperature fish, which can generally adapt to the temperature of 2-30 ℃. It can be raised in pools in parks and courtyards. Koi is gentle by nature, likes to swim in groups and is easy to domesticate. Some domesticated koi can not only feed from the master's hand, but also be picked up by others. When baits are thrown, they come and go, and accompany people to walk by the pool. One method worth advocating is feeding with milk bottles, which not only does not pollute the water quality, but also increases the fun of feeding. For families, indoor aquariums can be selected for breeding. Generally, the water capacity should not be less than 60 liters. For the breeding of large size koi, the aquarium should be larger, and the water capacity should not be less than 200 liters. Koi carp have strong adaptability. As long as people can drink water, they can be used to breed koi carp. Koi carp is an omnivorous fish. It can eat dried and fresh fish and insects, synthetic feed and even rice and pasta. However, it should be noted that the water quality is easy to deteriorate due to the large consumption of koi and the large amount of excreta. Therefore, attention should be paid to the filtration and water change of the fish tank, and attention should be paid to the feeding amount should not be too large, only 70% or 80% full. Due to the large activity and high oxygen consumption of koi, the aquarium should be equipped with oxygen enrichment facilities and pay attention to the breeding density to ensure that there is sufficient oxygen in the water. Tip: Because brocade carp is a large omnivorous ornamental fish, it is better to keep the main body alone to highlight its characteristics ▲ Tip: Because brocade carp is a large omnivorous ornamental fish, it is better to keep the main body alone to highlight its characteristics. 1. Check whether there are insect pests in all parts of the fish body, and observe whether there are rotten fins, mouth rot, perforation, loose scales, red spots, color variations, etc. Observe whether the fish is gradually wasting away, which is caused by malnutrition. Observe whether the body of the fish is swollen and whether the abdomen is sagging. This is where the female fish cannot lay eggs and remains in the abdomen for decay. When the fish body is puffy, it will develop into pine ball disease, which is obviously caused by internal organs. Observe whether the fish body is bent, which is often caused by improper or excessive dosing. Observe whether the eyeball is normal. If it is abnormal, it is mostly caused by visceral diseases. Don't find it too late. There is no cure when the eyeball collapses. Observe whether the gills of fish open and close normally. For dead fish and sick carp, open the gill cover to observe whether there is deformation, foreign matter, parasites, excessive mucus secretion, etc. 2. When checking the health of the swimming koi, it will expand its swimming in all directions. The sick koi will swim alone. When the disease is serious, it will stagger and shake, and even have no strength to stop swimming and hit the pool wall. The carp forms a circle at one corner of the fish pool or rubs the wall or bottom of the pool with its body, which means that the fish body has been attached with parasites. In serious cases, the carp scrapes, flaps its dorsal and pectoral fins, or jumps. If the carp swims with its dorsal fin, it is usually a sign of nervous system disease. The koi's body twists and turns are the abnormal signals of koi. Floating on the water is a danger signal. The inability to stand upright is a loss of balance. It may be due to a problem with the swim bladder or a parasite on the head. When the disease is serious, the carp will swim randomly. 3. Check the appetite of koi carp when they are sick. When feeding, try to observe the situation until eating. Be careful not to let the leftover food sink and decay, which will affect the water quality and accelerate the occurrence of fish disease. There are many reasons for anorexia, such as hypoxia, ammonia rise, changes in water temperature, parasitic epiphytes, infection with viruses, visceral diseases, etc. 4. Check the feces and urine status of koi is also a sign of koi's health. Sometimes fish droppings will appear on the surface of the pool water, which is proof of indigestion, and should be stopped immediately. Feces that are lighter than the pool water are not good. When the feces of koi carp become white gelatinous, it is a dangerous signal of intestinal mucosa peeling. If not treated immediately, enteritis and perforation will occur