
访客 发布于 2023-01-27 阅读(21)



锦鲤是一种典型的杂食性鱼类,喂养它并不困难。有一句老话说,不知道如何养鱼的人仍然可以喂养锦鲤一两年。稍微了解一点的人都知道,养鱼首先要养水,然后才是鱼的饮食,那么锦鲤适合什么样的饲料呢?以下是介绍。与鲤鱼、鲫鱼等其他鱼类一样,饲料选择是否合理、投喂是否正确,可以直接影响鲤鱼的生长发育、颜色深度和亮度、特征的外观、饱满度,以及鲤鱼的产卵量、孵化率和抗病性。因此,锦鲤的饲料中必须含有营养丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、各种维生素、一定量的无机盐和微量元素。例如,在相同的其他条件下,那些每周有一天能够喂养足够新鲜和活的红虫和黄粉虫的人将有非常大的生长和发育。这是因为红虫和黄粉虫含有大量的动物蛋白、脂肪、碳水化合物和其他丰富的营养素。1、 动物饲料:动物饲料是锦鲤最有营养的饲料之一。它们有很多种,包括常见的:鱼虫(通常称为红虫和水蚤)是在污水坑、池塘和河流中繁殖的浮游动物,通常称为各种水蚤。它的大小有大有小,像红蜘蛛虫。它的体色是血红色,体型很小。它不仅营养丰富,还以浮游植物为食,有利于水质净化。因此,我们使用新鲜红虫适当喂养的锦鲤(没有过量)比喂养其他替代饲料的锦鲤发育得更快,颜色鲜艳,鱼病的发病率也相应降低。独眼巨人是甲壳类中的桡足类,颜色为蓝灰色。它具有生命力强,游泳速度快,可以存活几天的优点。然而,缺点是它很小。如果用它来喂养几岁的老亲戚,则更难捕食,因为它们游得很快,而剑水蚤会咬到幼鱼,所以在喂养剑水蚤时最好用开水烫它们。草履虫(俗称灰水)是浮游生物中几种原生动物的俗称。例如,草履虫可以用稻草栽培,稻草最适合喂养刚孵出的鱼幼虫。昆虫,是多细胞动物(即由许多细胞组成),如龟甲、水虫、柱虫、水泡虫等。采采摇蚊的幼虫(南称血虫,北称油跳)是摇蚊的幼体,其体色为血红色,因此被称为血虫。它营养丰富,价格昂贵,不易保存,需要冷藏。一般爱好者直接将其冷冻并喂食。水蚯蚓的种类很多。水蚯蚓和鲤鱼是最喜欢的食物。它们富含蛋白质、脂肪和维生素。它们通常生活在肥沃河流或流水中的污水污泥表面。一端伸入污泥,另一端随水摆动。它们小而柔软,呈鲜红色或深红色,很容易被锦鲤吞食。然而,喂食前必须反复冲洗。如果条件允许,它们必须保存几天,水蚯蚓会在喂食前吐出泥土。2、 植物饲料:当然,动物饲料是锦鲤最理想的饲料。然而,由于许多原因,在缺乏动物饲料的情况下,植物饲料可以用作应急或维持生命的辅助饲料。常见的物种包括浮萍和水草,其中浮萍是种子植物中最小的物种之一。这种植物没有根和茎,细如沙子,营养成分也很好。另一种是浮萍,它有丝状根。锦鲤也应该在饥饿时食用。一般来说,只能喂较大的锦鲤,但不能喂更多。喂食前,仔细检查是否有害虫和虫卵,或在喂食前用低浓度的高锰酸钾溶液浸泡一会儿,否则容易带入细菌和害虫。3、 合成饲料:要发展大规模锦鲤养殖业,仅靠天然饵料鱼和昆虫是无法满足需求的。除了开展鱼类和昆虫的人工养殖外,还需要发展混合颗粒饲料的生产并向市场供应。一方面可以解决养殖场的饲料来源,另一方面也可以满足锦鲤爱好者家庭饲养锦鲤的需求。有了人工饲料,家庭饲养锦鲤更加方便;配方颗粒饲料应具有完整的营养成分,满足鲤鱼生长发育的需要,主要成分应包括蛋白质、糖、脂肪、无机盐和维生素五大类。1.蛋白质是锦鲤身体的主要成分。它在体内的功能是生长新组织,修复旧组织,也是热量供应的组成部分。饮食中必须有足够的蛋白质来促进锦鲤的快速生长。2、糖是锦鲤体内热能的主要物质,也是锦鲤的主要饲料成分。3.脂肪是能量储存最高的食物。它的生理功能与糖相同,糖在体内氧化并提供能量。一般来说,饲料中缺乏脂肪,鲤鱼生长缓慢,体型较小,会降低鱼对低温和缺氧的耐受能力,越冬时容易造成死亡;脂肪过多What are the feedstuffs that koi can eat?

koi (details)

koi is a typical omnivorous fish, and it is not difficult to feed it. There is an old saying that people who do not know how to raise fish can still feed koi for one or two years. People who know a little know that raising fish first raises water and then fish's diet, so what kind of feed is suitable for koi? The following is an introduction. Like other fish such as carp and crucian carp, whether the feed selection is reasonable and whether the feeding is correct can directly affect the growth and development of carp, the color depth and brightness, the appearance of characteristics, plumpness, as well as the number of eggs laid, hatchability and disease resistance of carp. Therefore, in the feed of koi carp, there must be nutritious protein, fat, carbohydrate, various vitamins, a certain amount of inorganic salts and trace elements. For example, under the same other conditions, those who can feed enough fresh and live red worms and yellow mealworms one day a week will have extremely large growth and development. This is because red worms and yellow mealworms contain a large amount of animal protein, fat, carbohydrates and other rich nutrients. 1、 Animal feed: animal feed is one of the most nutritious feeds for koi. There are many kinds of them, including common ones: fish insects (commonly known as red insects and water fleas) are zooplankton that breed in sewage pits, ponds and rivers, and are commonly known as various water fleas. Its size varies from large to small, like red spider worm. Its body color is blood red, and its size is small. It is not only rich in nutrition, but also feeds on phytoplankton, which is conducive to water purification. Therefore, the koi that we use fresh red worms to feed properly (without excess) develop faster than the koi that feed other alternative feeds, and the color is bright, and the incidence rate of fish disease is correspondingly reduced. Cyclops, which is bluish gray in color, is a copepod among crustaceans. It has the advantages of strong vitality, fast swimming and can survive for several days. However, the disadvantage is that it is small. If it is used to feed the old relatives of several years old, it is more difficult to prey because they swim fast, and cyclops can bite the young fish, so it is best to scald them with boiling water when feeding cyclops. Paramecium (commonly known as gray water) is a common name for several protozoa in plankton. For example, paramecium can be cultivated with rice straw, which is most suitable for feeding newly hatched fish larvae. Insects, which are multicellular animals (that is, they are composed of many cells), such as tortoise beetle, water worm, column worm, blister worm, etc. The larva of the tsetse chironomid mosquito (called blood worm in the south and oil jump in the north) is the larva of the chironomid mosquito, whose body color is blood red, so it is called blood worm. It is rich in nutrition, expensive in price, not easy to save, and needs to be refrigerated. General enthusiasts directly freeze it and feed it. There are many kinds of water earthworms. The water earthworm and carp are the favorite food. They are rich in protein, fat and vitamins. They generally live on the surface of sewage sludge in fertile rivers or running water. One end extends into the sludge and the other end swings with the water. They are small, soft, bright red or dark red, and are easy to be swallowed by koi. However, they must be rinsed repeatedly before feeding. If conditions permit, they must be kept for a few days, and the water earthworm will spit out the mud before feeding. 2、 Plant feed: Of course, animal feed is the most ideal feed for koi. However, in the absence of animal feed for many reasons, plant feed can be used as an auxiliary feed for emergency or life maintenance. Common species include duckweed and water grass, among which duckweed is one of the smallest species of seed plants. The plant has no roots and stems, which are as fine as sand, and its nutrient composition is also good. The other is the duckweed, which has a filamentous root. Koi carp should also eat it when hungry. Generally, only the larger Koi carp can be fed, but not more. Before feeding, carefully check whether there are pests and insect eggs, or soak it in a low concentration of potassium permanganate solution for a while before feeding, otherwise it is easy to bring in bacteria and insect pests. 3、 Synthetic feed: to develop large-scale koi breeding industry, fishing for natural bait fish and insects alone can not meet the needs. In addition to carrying out artificial cultivation of fish and insects, it is also necessary to develop the production of mixed pellet feed and supply the market. On the one hand, it can solve the feed source of breeding farms, on the other hand, it can also meet the needs of koi lovers' families to raise koi. With artificial feed, it is more convenient for families to raise koi; The formula pellet feed shall have complete nutritional components, meet the needs of the growth and development of the carp, and the main components shall include five categories, including protein, sugar, fat, inorganic salt and vitamins. 1. Protein is the main component of the body of Koi carp. Its function in the body is to grow new tissues, repair old tissues, and is also a component of the heat supply. There must be enough protein in the diet to promote the rapid growth of koi carp. 2. Sugar is the main material of heat energy in the body of Koi carp and the main feed ingredient of Koi carp. 3. Fat is the food with the highest energy storage. Its physiological function is the same as sugar, which oxidizes and supplies energy in the body. Generally speaking, the lack of fat in the feed, the slow growth and small size of the carp will reduce the endurance of the fish to low temperature and hypoxia, and it is easy to cause death during overwintering; Too much fat and too fat fish will hinder the development of gonads. 4. Inorganic salts are the main elements of color skeleton, such as calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. The blood and muscle blades of fish also contain a certain amount of calcium and phosphorus. A certain amount of calcium in the feed can also promote digestion and help the absorption of fat and phosphorus. In addition to obtaining calcium and phosphorus from the feed, the carp can also penetrate the calcium and phosphorus in the water into the body through the skin and gills. Koi also need iron, copper, magnesium, sodium, potassium, diamond and other trace elements. Without these elements, it will grow slowly and develop diseases. In order to ensure the normal growth of koi carp, feed should contain these elements. 5. Vitamins are also necessary for the growth of koi carp. Long-term lack of vitamins, poor development of fish, slow growth or complete stop, and even malformation, reduce the resistance to external adverse environment and various fish diseases. Lack of vitamin A will cause fish fins to crack, fish body pigment will disappear, body color will become pale and not bright; Lack of vitamin E will lead to gonadal dysplasia or underdevelopment. At the same time, the resistance to aquatic fungi is decreasing. Adding a small amount of vitamin B12 in the feed can promote growth