
访客 发布于 2023-01-27 阅读(17)



虽然锦鲤对水质要求不高,饲养锦鲤并不难,但保持锦鲤的健康和明亮也很重要。编辑会告诉你的。1、 锦鲤和金鱼一样,对水温和水质没有严格的要求。生活水浊度范围为2-30℃。虽然它对环境的适应性很强,但它有无法抵抗水温突然变化的弱点。例如,如果长期人工饲养,当水浊度上升或下降2-3摄氏度时,可以容忍。当温度下降或上升超过2-3摄氏度时,鱼很容易生病。当温度上升或下降到7-8摄氏度时,鱼会在水底爬行,无法进食或支撑。如果温度突变太大,它甚至会立即死亡。最适合的水浊度是20-25摄氏度,在这个温度的水中,鱼会积极游泳,胃口很好,而且健康多彩。控制最适合鱼快速生长和拥有舒适环境的水温更为理想。金鱼生活在水中,通过鳃吸收溶解在水中的氧气,将氧气输送到鱼体内,并结合吸收的食物营养物质产生能量以维持生命,因此水中是否有足够的氧气是保持鱼类健康的关键。5-6℃时每千克体重每小时所需的氧气为35毫克/升,这证明水温越高,耗氧量越大。2、 对于新的水箱或水池,注意每天换更多的水。如果水更好,可以一周换两次。3、 每天注意鱼的状态。如果有鱼不吃或躺在角落里,有必要考虑鱼是否生病。4、 当转移鱼时,通常使用仙女网。这不容易造成鱼类伤害。5、 当你看到鱼在刷牙时,通常是因为鱼身上有寄生虫。你可以考虑杀虫。6、 如果你看到水总是浑浊的,你应该考虑过滤系统是否有问题。7、 当鱼生病时,不要急于隔离。如果需要隔离,应配备带有完整过滤系统的隔离筒。8、 不要一次从不同渔场购买大量鱼类,以防止交叉感染。9、 你应该在家里准备一些常用的药物,如粗盐、日本黄粉、高锰酸钾、抗生素、杀虫剂等。十、买鱼时,要考虑自己水体的大小和过滤系统的效率,鱼的密度不能太大。11、 如何保持锦鲤的体色清新明亮1。保持给水纯净,尽量消除水中的亚硝酸盐;提高生物过滤效果,保持养殖水质纯净。如果可能,每天排放鱼缸或池塘的底层水,并在氧气暴露后添加淡水;加强给水的氧气熔化,增加给水环境的空气循环;保持给水柔软;彻底去除水中的铁;增加含钙饲料的量。2.如何使红斑明亮,并保持水的PH值在7.0和7.2之间?珊瑚砂或牡蛎壳可以放在过滤罐或水回路中;增加含有天然胡萝卜素的饲料量。3.如何保持黑斑较深,水温相对较低,PH值略低于7.2;减少锦鲤直接暴露在阳光下的机会;减少脂肪饲料的喂养,这将减少锦鲤的排泄;在一定时期,可以通过添加硬度适当的水来提高饲养水的硬度,然后恢复到原始硬度,这可以加强黑斑鲤鱼的墨水质量

The key points of how to keep koi healthy and body color

koi (details)

Although koi don't have high requirements for water quality, and it is not difficult to raise koi, it is also important to keep koi healthy and bright. The editor will tell you. 1、 Like goldfish, koi carp do not have strict requirements on water temperature and water quality. The turbidity range of living water is 2-30 ℃. Although it has strong adaptability to the environment, it has the weakness of being unable to resist the sudden change of water temperature. For example, if it is raised artificially for a long time, it can be tolerated when the water turbidity rises or falls by 2-3 degrees Celsius. When the temperature drops or rises by more than 2-3 degrees Celsius, the fish are prone to get sick. When the temperature rises or falls to 7-8 degrees Celsius, the fish crawl at the bottom of the water and can't eat or support. If the temperature mutation is too large, it will even die immediately. The most suitable water turbidity is 20-25 degrees Celsius, In the water at this temperature, fish swim actively, have a strong appetite, and are healthy and colorful. It is more ideal to control the water temperature that is most suitable for the fish to grow quickly and have a comfortable environment. Gold carp live in water by absorbing oxygen dissolved in water by gills, sending oxygen to the fish body and combining the absorbed food nutrients to produce energy to maintain life, so whether there is enough oxygen in the water is the key to keep fish well. The oxygen required per kilogram of body weight per hour is 35 mg/L at 5-6 ℃, which proves that the higher the water temperature, the greater the oxygen consumption. 2、 For new tanks or pools, pay attention to changing more water every day. If the water is better, it can be changed twice a week. 3、 Pay attention to the state of the fish every day. If any fish does not eat or lies in a corner, it is necessary to consider whether the fish is sick. 4、 When transferring fish, fairy net is generally used. This is not easy to cause fish damage. 5、 When you see a fish brushing, it is usually because the fish has parasites. You can consider killing insects. 6、 If you see that the water is always turbid, you should consider whether there is a problem with the filtration system. 7、 When the fish is sick, don't rush to isolate. If isolation is required, there should be isolation cylinder with complete filtration system. 8、 Do not buy a large number of fish from different fishing grounds at one time to prevent cross infection. 9、 You should prepare some commonly used drugs at home, such as crude salt, Japanese yellow powder, potassium permanganate, antibiotics, insecticides, etc. 10、 When buying fish, you should consider the size of your own water body and the efficiency of the filtration system, and the fish density should not be too large. 11、 How to keep the body color of koi fresh and bright 1. Keep the feed water pure and try to eliminate nitrite in the water; Enhance the biological filtration effect and keep the water quality of the breeding pure. If possible, discharge the bottom water of the fish tank or pond every day, and add the fresh water after oxygen exposure; Strengthen the oxygen melting of feeding water and increase the air circulation of feeding environment; Keep the feeding water soft; Completely remove iron from water; Increase the amount of feed containing calcium. 2. How to make the erythema bright and keep the PH value of the water between 7.0 and 7.2? Coral sand or oyster shell can be placed in the filter tank or in the water circuit; Increase the amount of feed containing natural carotene. 3. How to keep the dark spots deep and relatively low water temperature and PH value slightly lower than 7.2; Reduce the chance of koi directly exposed to the sun; Reduce the feeding of fatty feed, which will reduce the excretion of koi; At a certain period, the hardness of the feeding water can be improved by adding water with appropriate hardness, and then returning to the original hardness, which can strengthen the ink quality of the black spotted carp