
访客 发布于 2023-01-27 阅读(29)





如果我们想把锦鲤当作一种风水鱼,控制繁殖数量非常重要。一般来说,单数是主要数。如果鱼缸或池塘足够大,最好养九条锦鲤,因为九条是最高贵和吉祥的数字。3、 6. 锦鲤有“三个方面没有进步”和“六个方面没有限制”的意思;2、 五锦鲤寓意五福双龙戏水,五福临门。所以养两只、三只、五只、六只和九只锦鲤是一个很好的吉祥数字

Precautions for raising koi in fish pond

koi (details)

koi is a very easy breed because of its low requirements for water temperature and its wide range of food. What problems should we pay attention to if we raise fish in outdoor fish ponds? What's the point of raising koi as a feng shui fish

The alkalinity on the wall of the newly built cement fish pond should be removed before use. The way to remove alkali is to fill the tank with 0.25% phosphoric acid solution, soak it for one or two days, and then wash the tank wall with clean water. After the fish ponds have been washed and cleaned, soak them in dark green water for about ten days, and try to raise them again after the moss on the fish pond wall. When the safety of the water source is determined, the koi can be officially placed in the pool. In addition, when the koi grows to 10 to 20 cm, it is raised in the pond

If we want to treat koi as a feng shui fish, it is very important to control the number of breeding. Generally speaking, the singular number is the main number. If the fish tank or pond is large enough, it is the best to raise nine koi, because nine are the most noble and auspicious number. 3、 6. Koi has the meaning of "no progress in three aspects" and "no limit in six aspects"; 2、 The five koi have the meaning of five blessings and two dragons playing in the water and five blessings at the door. So raising two, three, five, six and nine koi is a good auspicious number