发布于 2023-01-24
如何治疗泰国斗鱼的烂尾巴泰国斗鱼烂尾巴的具体治疗方法如下:1。泰国斗鱼的尾巴烂了。可能是因为水质太差。饲养员需要立即更换水,但注意不要更换所有的水。最好在一天内换掉三分之一的水,然后继续换三天,这样水质才能保持新鲜。2。泰国斗鱼的尾巴也有可能因为打架而腐烂,因为它们有很强的领土意识,并且容易在雄性之间打架。此外,它们的尾巴比较大,在战斗时很容易导致尾巴受伤。建议主人将斗鱼分开存放,然后立即换水,以确保水质清洁,避免感染。如果尾巴腐烂不严重,就经常换水。如果尾巴严重腐烂,你需要在水中加入粗盐或土霉素How to treat the rotten tail of Thai betta The specific treatment methods of the rotten tail of Thai betta are as follows: 1. The tail of Thai betta is rotten. It may be because the water quality is too bad. The breeder needs to change the water immediately, but pay attention not to change all the water. It is better to change one third of the water in one day, and continue to change it for three days, so the water quality can be kept fresh 2. It is also possible that the tail of Thai bettas rotted due to fighting, because they have strong territorial awareness and are prone to fight among males. In addition, their tails are relatively large, which can easily lead to tail injuries when fighting. It is recommended that the owner keep the fighting Thai bettas separately, and then change the water immediately to ensure the water quality is clean and avoid infection. If the tail rot is not serious, just change the water frequently. If the tail rots seriously, you need to add crude salt or oxytetracycline into the water
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