发布于 2023-01-24
泰国斗鱼生病用什么药?翅片收缩。鳍紧缩也是饲养泰国斗鱼的常见疾病。病鱼的特点是体色变暗,食欲不振。这种疾病主要是由于饲养环境恶劣和空间狭小导致的,导致斗鱼全身细菌感染治疗这种疾病相对简单,但要注意及时治疗。一般来说,如果我们选择治疗细菌的药物,效果会很明显What medicine is used for Thailand's betta to get sick? Fin constriction. Fin constriction is also a common disease in raising Thai bettas. Sick fish are characterized by darkening of body color and loss of appetite. This disease is mainly caused by the poor feeding environment and narrow space, leading to the infection of bacteria in the whole body of betta It is relatively simple to treat this disease, but pay attention to timely treatment. Generally, the effect will be obvious if we choose drugs to treat bacteria
- 上一篇: 如何治疗泰国斗鱼的烂尾巴
- 下一篇: 泰国贝塔使用什么水?