
访客 发布于 2023-01-25 阅读(21)



Peacock fish is the first choice for newly raised tropical fish.

Peacock fish (details) Peacock fish is a small tropical ornamental fish with a body length of 3 to 5 cm. It is petite and exquisite, flexible and lively in swimming, and colorful in body color. It is mainly produced in Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana and the West Indies in South America. According to its different characteristics, it can be divided into common peacock, swallow tail peacock, long tail peacock, harp tail peacock and yellow peacock. It should be said that among the many tropical ornamental fish species, the peacock fish is not a noble fish species, neither its price nor the requirements for the surrounding living environment are high, but it is loved by people because of its liveliness and beauty. In particular, the male fish is more beautiful. Its greenish-brown body is mixed with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple colors, as if it were a rainbow in the sky, so it also has a nice name - Rainbow Fish. At the same time, it is also known as "peacock fish" because it has a number of small blue round spots on its abdomen, and the round spots are surrounded by light-colored rings, which are very similar to the eye-shaped spots on the peacock's open screen. The popularity of the peacock fish is largely due to its gentle and lively temperament, which will not fight with other fish, and is suitable for mixed breeding with some non-aggressive fish; Moreover, it has little food selectivity. Egg yolk and steamed bread residue can be fed. However, it is better to feed live bait such as fish worms and nematodes in artificial feeding; At the same time, it has low requirements for water quality and temperature, and is very easy to feed and survive