
访客 发布于 2023-01-25 阅读(39)



孔雀鱼类和水族箱可以说非常适合,但并不是所有种类的水生植物都适合养殖孔雀鱼。什么样的水生植物可以补充孔雀鱼?编辑将为您分析。1、 孔雀鱼的特征1。大尾鳍:孔雀鱼最大、最引人注目的特点是尾鳍,尤其是雄鱼,因品种不同而显示出不同的魅力。2.性格温和:虽然我们经常在水族馆里看到孔雀鱼互相追逐,但由于它们的身体劣势,孔雀鱼仍然是一种温和的鱼类,尤其是尾鳍在追逐中容易受伤。3.属于中上层的鱼类:从孔雀鱼的嘴向上的形状,我们大概可以判断它是属于中上层鱼类,经常在水族箱上方游动。4.小鱼,约6厘米大:有尾鳍,比灯鱼大一点。5、适宜水温:约24~26℃。6.水质:pH5.5~8.57,硬度:15~40°


The aquarium suitable for peacock fish

Peacock fish (details)

Peacock fish and aquarium can be said to be very suitable, but not all kinds of aquatic plants are suitable for breeding peacock fish. What kind of aquatic plants can complement the peacock fish? The editor will analyze for you. 1、 Characteristics of the peacock fish 1. Large tail fin: The largest and most striking feature of the peacock fish is the tail fin, especially the male fish, which shows different charm due to different strains. 2. Mild personality: Although we often see peacock fish chasing each other in the aquarium, due to their physical disadvantages, the peacock fish is still a mild fish species, especially the tail fin is vulnerable to injury in the chase. 3. Fish species belonging to the middle and upper layers: from the shape of the mouth of the peacock fish upward, we can probably judge that it is a fish species belonging to the middle and upper layers, often swimming above the aquarium. 4. Small fish, about 6 cm in size: with tail fin, it is a little larger than lampfish. 5. Suitable water temperature: about 24~26 ℃. 6. Water quality: pH5.5~8.57, hardness: 15~40 °

2. The peacock in the water grass tank should set up a water grass landscaping tank suitable for the peacock. First of all, you have to work hard on the selection of grass. Imagine that the soft peacock shuttles through the thick branches and leaves, such as cicada-like fins. A slight loss will damage its beauty and harm the health of the fish. Therefore, the soft branches and leaves are the first choice. In addition, the ecological strip is also the focus of consideration, Peacock fish is a kind of fish belonging to the upper layer. That is to say, they often return to the top of the aquarium. From the perspective of appreciation, the water grass is the most beautiful picture against the peacock fish in the background. Therefore, the water grass should have a certain height. In addition, it is also better to choose the species with more branches and even smaller branches and leaves on the branches of the leafstalk, which can match the delicate beauty of the peacock fish