
访客 发布于 2023-01-25 阅读(41)



在孔雀鱼的养殖过程中,我们需要考虑很多因素,比如水质、水温等等,一些藻类和孔雀鱼的排泄物也会在养殖过程中产生。这个时候,我们可以使用一些方法来去除水中的藻类和一些污垢,我们也可以在鱼缸中饲养一些鱼或虾,因为一些鱼和虾对环境有净化作用,所以它们也非常适合与孔雀鱼一起饲养。1、 黑线飞狐黑线飞狐(详细介绍)

黑线飞狐鱼体细,灰褐色,有特殊的黑色横条纹。黑色条纹从鼻子延伸到尾叉,条纹边缘呈锯齿状(锯齿状)。当它感到紧张或战斗时,这条条纹的黑色会明显褪色。在幼年阶段,长的黑色条纹也很容易看到,但在其长度达到5~7厘米(2~3英寸)之前,其黑色边缘的鳞片形状和黑色条纹的锯齿形边缘都无法清晰地看到。黑线飞狐的所有鳍都是透明的或略呈乳白色,并没有任何黄色或红色的光泽。鱼体的下部是银白色的,黑色部分上方没有明亮的条纹,但整个身体的上部是棕色的,每个鳞片的边缘是黑色的,这使得它从上方网状。一些黑色边缘的鳞片也可能生长在黑色条纹下面。黑线飞狐喜欢吃其他鱼类不感兴趣的胡须状和刷子状藻类,如黑毛藻,因此它是水生水族馆的首选工作物种。但现在很多鱼友都得出结论,当小黑线飞狐进入水族馆时,它会非常喜欢吃藻类,但随着体型和饲料的增长,黑线飞狐的食性会转向饲料。2、 Elfish Elfish(详细信息)

标准工具鱼,适用于稻草罐。许多人说精灵不容易饲养。事实上,他们很难接受人工饲料。它们基本上只吃圆柱壁、树叶和凹陷的树上的藻类。如果坦克特别干净,精灵就会饿死。小精灵是一种特别勤奋的工具鱼,经常啃食水槽中的藻类。事实上,效果不如胡须明显。毕竟,它太小了。但它绝对是草罐中不可或缺的角色。如果你的水箱里有很多褐藻,那么褐藻本身的颜色比绿藻更差,而且呈斑驳的图案分布,这就更难看了。将精灵鱼放入水箱后,效果会很好。它勤勤恳恳地工作,从不抓鱼食,全心全意地舔褐藻。虽然只剩下一个,但大部分褐藻很快就会被清除。由于石头粗糙,实际上有一层薄薄的棕色,但它非常均匀,看起来不再像恶心的感觉,而是一种自然的美。3、 在养鱼的过程中,养一些虾是必要的。虾适合观赏水生动物,它们喜欢低温、弱酸和软水。全身是火红的,很容易养起来,点缀在绿色的草缸里特别漂亮,但一定要注意调节温度。极热的虾在抱蛋时的温度不能超过28度,否则会出现流产,即踢蛋。如果温度超过30度,那么你最喜欢的虾会直接去见阎王爷。通常,玩家会发现这只非常热的虾在满罐中飞行。这个时候,你需要仔细观察它。它可能是由于氧气不足、水质问题,或者是抱蛋。你可以对不同的情况做出反应。值得注意的是,在抱卵时,一定要保证充足的氧气,及时补充营养,并将温度和ph值调整到最适合的温度,为极热虾的养殖创造舒适的环境。酷热的虾对草的影响也相当明显。主要是分解熔化的树叶,以确保储罐的清洁。他们也吃腐烂的树叶。效果非常明显。酷热的虾也能打破鱼的粪便。尚不确定它们是否吃鱼粪便,但在打碎后,它将帮助细菌进一步分解鱼粪便,或让这些鱼随水流入过滤器。所以极辣虾至少有两个明确的功能,一个是吃烂叶子,另一个是打破鱼大便

Some tool fish and shrimp suitable for mixed breeding with peacock fish

Beautiful peacock fish

During the breeding process of peacock fish, we need to consider many factors, such as water quality, water temperature, and so on. Some algae and the excreta of peacock fish will also be produced in the breeding process. At this time, we can use some methods to remove algae and some filth in the water, and we can also raise some fish or shrimp in the fish tank, Because some fish and shrimp have a purifying effect on the environment, they are also very suitable to be raised with peacock fish. 1、 Black line flying fox Black line flying fox (detailed introduction)

The black line flying fox fish is thin, grayish brown, with special black horizontal stripes. The black stripes extend from the nose to the fork of the tail, and the edge of the stripes is zigzag (zigzag). When it feels nervous or fighting, the black color of this stripe will obviously fade away. In the juvenile stage, the long black stripes are also easy to see, but before its length reaches 5~7 cm (2~3 inches), the scale shape of its black edge and the zigzag edge of the black stripe cannot be clearly seen. All fins of the black line flying fox are transparent or slightly milky white with theout any yellow or reddish luster. The lower part of the fish body is silvery white, and there is no bright stripe above the black part, but the upper part of the whole body is brown and the edge of each scale is black, which makes it mesh from above. Some scales with black edges may also grow below the black stripes. The black line flying fox likes to eat whisker-like and brush-like algae that other fish are not interested in, such as black hair algae, so it is the preferred working species in the aquatic aquarium. But now many fish friends have concluded that when the small black line flying fox enters the aquarium, it will be very fond of eating algae, but with the growth of body size and feed, the feeding habits of black line flying fox will shift to feed. 2、 Elfish Elfish (details)

Standard tool fish, suitable for straw tank. Many people say that elves are not easy to raise. Indeed, it is difficult for them to accept artificial feed. They basically only eat algae on cylinder walls, leaves and sunken trees. If the tank is especially clean, the elf will be starved to death. The elf is a particularly diligent tool fish, constantly gnawing the algae in the tank. In fact, the effect is not as obvious as the beard. After all, it is too small. But it is absolutely an indispensable role in the straw tank. If there are a lot of brown algae in your tank, the color of brown algae itself is worse than that of green algae, and it is distributed in a mottled pattern, which is even more ugly. After putting the elf fish into the tank, it will be very effective. It works diligently and steadfastly, never grabs fish food, and licks brown algae wholeheartedly. Although there is only one left, most of the brown algae will be removed soon. Because of the rough stone, there is actually a thin layer of brown, but it is very uniform, It no longer looks like a disgusting feeling, but a natural beauty. 3、 It is necessary to raise some shrimps in the process of fish raising. The shrimps are suitable for ornamental aquatic animals, and they like low temperature, weak acid and soft water. The whole body is fiery red, and it is easy to raise it. It is particularly beautiful to be dotted in the green straw vat, but you must pay attention to adjusting the temperature. The temperature of the extremely hot shrimp when holding the eggs must not exceed 28 degrees, otherwise there will be miscarriage, that is, kicking the eggs. If the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, then your favorite shrimp will go directly to see the Lord Yan. Frequently, players will find that the extremely hot shrimp is flying in a full tank. At this time, you need to carefully observe it. It may be due to insufficient oxygen, water quality problems, or egg hugging. You can respond to different situations. It is worth noting that when holding eggs, we must ensure sufficient oxygen, timely supplement nutrition, and adjust the temperature and ph to the most suitable temperature to create a comfortable environment for the breeding of extremely hot shrimp. The effect of the extremely hot shrimp on the grass is also quite obvious. It is mainly to decompose the melted leaves to ensure the cleanness of the tank. They also eat rotten leaves. The effect is very obvious. The extremely hot shrimp can also break the fish feces. It is not sure whether they eat fish feces, but after breaking, it will help the bacteria further decompose the fish feces, or let these fish flow into the filter with the water. So there are at least two clear functions of extremely hot shrimp, one is to eat rotten leaves, and the other is to break fish stool