发布于 2023-01-25
孔雀鱼一次能产多少条小鱼?它能活多久?孔雀鱼一次能产多少条小鱼?通常,每次生产的孔雀鱼数量在10-120只之间。所产小鱼的数量因产卵的大小和数量而异。如果孔雀是第一次生产,它可以生产大约10-80条小鱼。如果是二胎,数量会增加很多,大约在80-120孔雀鱼能活多久:孔雀鱼的生产时间一般在三个小时左右How many small fish does the peacock fish produce at one time? How long does it live? How many small fish does the peacock fish produce at one time? Generally, the number of peacock fish produced at each time will be between 10-120. The number of small fish produced varies according to the size and number of eggs laid. If the peacock is produced for the first time, it can produce about 10-80 small fish. If it is the second child, the number will increase a lot, about 80-120 How long does the peacock fish live: The production time of the peacock fish is generally about three hours
- 上一篇: 四大因素导致孔雀石病
- 下一篇: 孔雀鱼下面的小鱼能和卵泡一起生活吗?