
访客 发布于 2023-01-25 阅读(23)




How to divide a peacock fish into male and female

The peacock fish can be divided into male and female by looking at the tail fin, dorsal fin, abdominal fin, abdomen and body color. The tail fin and dorsal fin of the male fish are very long, the abdominal fin is narrow, the abdomen is covered by white belly skin, and the body color is bright, while the tail fin, dorsal fin and abdominal fin of the female fish are short and wide, and are fan-shaped, and the internal color is visible in the abdomen, and the body color is single

Or from the fetal spot, which is the unique feature of the female peacock, is located near the belly of the female peacock and the anus, where there is a darker color, that is, the fetal spot of the female peacock. The embryo spots of different species of female peacock fish are different in color, generally light red or black. The closer the female fish approaches the production period, the more obvious its fetal spot color will be. According to this, it is also easy to see the male and female of the peacock fish