
访客 发布于 2023-01-25 阅读(21)



How to arrange the peacock fish aquarium

Peacock fish (details) We know that the peacock is a very beautiful bird. Of course, the peacock fish with the same name should also be very beautiful. Peacock fish is also an aquarium pet with high ornamental value, and many friends who raise fish like this kind of fish. Set up an aquarium at home, and then keep a few, which can not only kill the boring time, but also make life more delicious in an instant. So how should the peacock fish aquarium be arranged, and what are the methods and steps? First, determine the size of the aquarium according to your feeding capacity and family environment. Then go to the flower and bird market to buy an aquarium. After taking it home, you can soak it in rice washing water or vinegar for a day, and then wash it thoroughly. Note that in addition to the aquarium, relevant auxiliary equipment, such as filter, gravel, water grass, heating rod, lamp rod, thermometer, etc., should be purchased completely. Second, after the aquarium is set, first install the filter (preferably the bottom filter), and lay the gravel sand with a thickness of about 5cm and has been washed on the filter. Note that if the sponge filter is used, the gravel should be laid thinner. Third, install heating rod, temperature controller and other equipment, and then add water to 3/4 water level. At the same time, add water stabilizer to stabilize the water quality as soon as possible. Fourth, after water injection, you can adjust the water temperature, start the filter, and then plant some water plants to arrange the aquarium. Finally, after the aquarium is arranged, don't rush to put the peacock fish in it. First, keep it in water for a few days. After the water quality environment in the aquarium is stable and calm, put the peacock fish in it for breeding. At the initial stage, we must closely observe the situation of the peacock fish and make adjustments at any time to ensure that the fish can live a healthy and normal life