
访客 发布于 2023-01-25 阅读(21)



孔雀鱼类以其像孔雀一样的多彩尾巴而闻名,并已成为最受喜爱的观赏鱼之一。然而,在孔雀鱼的繁殖过程中,我们会发现它们的生长速度不同,有的生长速度很快,有的生长缓慢。原因是什么?孔雀的生长发育应该从幼时就开始关注。在其生长的第一个月,孔雀的生长能量朝向鱼体;肌肉和骨骼结构朝着这个方向发展,但在第一个月的后期,孔雀的生长机制将开始缓慢转移更多的生长能量,并发展其性特征。此时,大约六周后,生长能量将朝着发展其性特征的方向充分发展。同时,除了继续向性特征的方向发展外,孔雀鱼的生长机制也开始向鱼体背鳍和尾鳍的方向转变。此时,孔雀鱼会继续生长直至死亡,但随着鱼龄的增长,其生长会越来越慢。很明显,为了从手中的鱼中获得最大尺寸的鱼,当孔雀的生长能量开始向其他方向发展时,饲养鱼的人将集中精力在第一个月将鱼饲养到最大尺寸极限。1、 孔雀鱼生长的具体原因是什么?1.喂食如果孔雀不能正常长大,首先看看这是不是食物的原因。目前市场上出售的人工饲料有很多,例如稀饲料;颗粒饲料;冷冻饲料等。然而,在饲养过程中应进行科学选择。此外,还应特别注意饲养用活饵的选择。虽然活饵的营养价值更高,但很容易造成安全问题。为了确保孔雀能够健康成长,科学的喂养至关重要。许多父母认为,喂食活饵最安全的方法是收获虾(无节幼体),因为无节幼体在刚孵化并携带卵黄囊时营养最丰富。如果时间太长,蛋黄已经被无节幼体吸收,因此营养价值会稍微降低。2、母鱼原因母鱼一旦完成生产,就必须尽快将其移出产卵池,因为一旦幼鱼在母鱼的范围内,幼鱼就不容易长得很好。一个好的主人会记录下哪一只幼孔雀是由哪一只母孔雀出生的,因为在幼孔雀成长为优秀的种族级孔雀后,很容易追踪其父母血统的来源。出于同样的原因,雌鱼也必须与其他雄鱼完全隔离,以确保后来产生的幼仔来自同一条雄鱼。2、 改进方法换水对孔雀鱼的生长至关重要。

1。换水。孔雀鱼爱好者发现,频繁换水会加速孔雀鱼的生长。鱼只在一个小鱼缸里吃、喝和睡觉,所以经常换水是必要的。换水的目的是去除水中的阿莫尼并添加新的微量元素,而换水换新似乎也能刺激幼鱼的食欲,所以一些爱好者每周换25%的旧水,但其他人更喜欢每天换水,换水率为10%。然而,在任何情况下,如果每次变化的水量超过25%,只会影响鱼类,如果此时新水的温度发生变化;PH值和硬度与老水有很大不同。2.温度也是影响生长的因素之一。水温升高可以提高鱼类的新陈代谢率。因此,一些爱好者从这段关系中获得了一些成就。例如,一些爱好者在80华氏度的水温下饲养它们的幼虫,他们发现在这种水温下的幼虫会快速进食和生长,尽管爱好者们也知道在这种环境中相对而言会促进鱼类的快速老化。另一组在低于72华氏度的水温下饲养鱼,但实验结果是鱼生长缓慢。因此,根据上述温度的理论基础,爱好者会根据孔雀鱼的不同生长阶段,给出不同的水温养殖环境。也就是说,在幼虫生长阶段,采用较高的水温饲养环境,以加速鱼类的生长。相比之下,在孔雀鱼的成熟阶段,较低的水温饲养环境被用来减缓其衰老速度。3.光照也是影响鱼类生长的因素之一。光照时间的长短会影响鱼的摄食时间。因此,一些爱好者甚至建议,应该24小时打开灯。然而,一些爱好者认为,每天24小时开灯的照明方式必须与每2小时的喂食计划相匹配,因为如果只盲目增加照明时间,不匹配喂食频率,鱼的生长速度不会加快,因为这只会增加鱼生长所消耗的能量。顶级爱好者采用的照明计划是每天点亮16-17小时,每天7-8小时关灯。尽管光的强度并不绝对意味着它会影响鱼的生长,但事实证明,太亮或太暗的光会导致鱼的生长The reason and improvement of the slow growth of the peacock fish

Peacock fish (details)

Peacock fish are known for their colorful tails like peacocks, and have become one of the most beloved ornamental fish. However, during the breeding process of the peacock fish, we will find that their growth speed is different, some grow very fast, and some grow slowly. What is the reason? The growth and development of the peacock should be paid attention to from the time when it is young. In the first month of its growth, the growth energy of the peacock is towards the fish body; Muscle and bone structure develop in the direction, but in the later stage of the first month, the growth mechanism of the peacock will start to transfer more growth energy slowly and develop its sexual characteristics. At this time, about six weeks later, the growth energy will be fully developed in the direction of developing its sexual characteristics. At the same time, in addition to continuing to develop in the direction of sexual characteristics, the growth mechanism of the peacock fish also began to be converted to the direction of the dorsal fin and tail fin of the fish body At this time, the peacock fish will continue to grow until it dies, but its growth will become slower and slower with the growth of the fish age. It is obvious that in order to get the largest size fish from the fish in their hands, people who will raise their fish will concentrate on raising them to the maximum size limit in the first month when the growth energy of the peacock begins to develop in other directions. 1、 What are the specific reasons for the growth of peacock fish? 1. Feeding If the peacock can't grow up normally, first see if it is the reason for food. At present, there are many artificial feeds sold on the market, for example, thin feed; Pellet feed; Frozen feed, etc. However, scientific selection should be made in the process of feeding. In addition, special attention should also be paid to the selection of live bait for feeding. Although live bait has higher nutritional value, it is easy to cause safety problems. To ensure that the peacock can grow up healthily, scientific feeding is essential. Many parents believe that the safest way to feed live bait is the harvest shrimp (nauplius), because the nauplius larva is the most nutritious when it just hatches and carries the yolk sac. If the time is too long, the yolk has been absorbed by the nauplius larva, so the nutritional value will be slightly reduced. 2. Mother fish reason Once the mother fish has finished production, it must be moved out of the spawning tank as soon as possible, because once the young fish is within the range of the mother fish, it is not easy for the young fish to grow very well. A good master will record which brood was born by which female, because it is easy to track the origin of the parental blood of the brood after it has grown into an excellent race grade peacock. For the same reason, the female must also be completely isolated from other male fish to ensure that the brood produced later is from the same male fish. 2、 Improving methods Changing water is critical to the growth of the peacock fish

1. Changing water. Peacock fish lovers have found that changing water frequently will accelerate the growth of the peacock fish. The fish only eat, drink and sleep in a small fish tank, so frequent changing water is necessary. The purpose of changing water is to remove amoni and add new trace elements in the water, and changing old water for new water also seems to stimulate the appetite of young fish, So some enthusiasts change 25% of the old water every week, but others prefer to change water every day, and the water change rate is 10%. However, in any case, if the amount of water changed each time exceeds 25%, it will only impact the fish, if the temperature of the new water changed at this time; PH quality and hardness are very different from that of old water. 2. Temperature is also one of the factors that affect growth. A warmer water temperature can increase the metabolic rate of fish. Therefore, some enthusiasts get some achievements from this relationship. For example, some enthusiasts raise their larvae in the water temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and they find that the larvae in this water temperature will eat and grow fast, even though the enthusiasts also know that relatively in this environment will promote the rapid aging of fish. The other group raised the fish in the water temperature below 72 degrees Fahrenheit, but the experimental result was that the fish grew slowly. Therefore, according to the above theoretical basis of temperature, enthusiasts will give different water temperature breeding environment according to different growth stages of the peacock fish. That is to say, in the larval growth stage, the higher water temperature feeding environment is adopted to accelerate the growth of fish. In contrast, in the mature stage of the peacock fish, the lower water temperature feeding environment is used to slow down its aging rate. 3. The lighting is also one of the factors that affect the growth of fish. The length of the lighting hours will affect the length of the feeding time of fish. Therefore, some enthusiasts even suggest that the light should be turned on 24 hours a day. However, some enthusiasts believe that the lighting method of turning on the light 24 hours a day must match the feeding plan every 2 hours, because if only the lighting hours are increased blindly and the feeding frequency is not matched, the growth speed of fish will not be accelerated, Because this will only increase the energy that the fish consumes to grow. The lighting plan adopted by top enthusiasts is to light 16-17 hours a day and turn off the lights 7-8 hours a day. Although the intensity of the light does not absolutely mean that it will affect the growth of the fish, it has been proved that too bright or too dim light will cause fish deformity, especially in the spine. 4. The most important trick of filtration is to keep it clean at any time. The feeding method of sand at the bottom of the tank is rarely adopted by lovers who use forced feeding method, because it will increase the difficulty of cleaning up residual food. The most popular way for fans to filter is to put charcoal in a jar or filter like water goblin, which is also the only way I know to keep water clean and not yellow. Although the external filtering method also has the same filtering effect, it will be impractical to apply it to the cylinder connection method