
访客 发布于 2023-01-25 阅读(39)


孔雀鱼(详细介绍)孔雀鱼,顾名思义,就像孔雀的开屏。它的鳍大而有活力,经常引起人们的赞叹。颜色、鳍和平衡是评价孔雀鱼的三个要点。1、 颜色要求:孔雀鱼对颜色有两个要求:(1)颜色要对称;(2) 色差应清晰。颜色密度的厚度和厚度并不是要求的重点,因为如果颜色系统不均匀,就会形成带有色块的图腾,称为斑点。如果色块不能再次分散,这将扼杀这只孔雀的“未来”。我们之所以不在乎孔雀鱼的颜色的粗细,主要是因为它有自己的美丽和特点。所以如果你对比一下所谓的蓝色尾裙,你会发现它们有几十种,这当然包括身体颜色、尾部颜色和尾部形状的排列和组合。虽然孔雀鱼的颜色不像乌鸦鱼那样多变,但随着爱好者的不断提高,它也增加了很多。在孔雀鱼的基本品种中,也有与铿锵鱼相当的品种,如马赛克、银河、草尾等。二、鳍要求:“鳍”几乎是孔雀鱼评价的重点!先民将这种鱼命名为“孔雀鱼”,既显示了人们对它的偏爱,也显示了汉字独特的意境。孔雀鱼,顾名思义,就像一只张开鳍的孔雀。它的大而有力的鳍经常引起人们的钦佩。正因为如此,剑尾、矛尾、针尾等特殊的尾部类型不太受欢迎,而且因为很少有人关注,所以很难找到这样的品种,也更难讨论优秀的品种,这大大增加了改进这种特殊鱼种的难度。当人们盲目要求大背鳍和大尾鳍时,他们也不忘添加一些调味料。需要散热片的形状、颜色和均匀图案。所以就“鳍”而言,挑三拣四太难了。目前,在国内乃至国际上,孔雀鱼的审美焦点几乎集中在背鳍和尾鳍上,主要焦点是雄性孔雀鱼;雌鱼仅作为审查的参考。在孔雀鱼的生活史上,雄性孔雀鱼承担了遗传学和物种分类的重任,从而大大提高了其价值感。因此,在比赛举办时间较长的国家,男性孔雀鱼几乎占一对孔雀鱼的十分之七。一般来说,男性孔雀鱼比女性孔雀鱼更贵;这与国内的价值观不同。中国人认为,雌性孔雀鱼将继续生产小鱼,因此其价格高于雄性孔雀鱼。在国外,人们认为优质雄鱼的获得率远低于雌性孔雀鱼,有时一次选择的令人满意的鱼很少,因此国外有时只出售雄鱼。我想知道你认为什么是合理的?3、 平衡度要求:平衡度包括身体和尾鳍的搭配、身体颜色和尾部颜色,甚至尾部纹理和尾部颜色的搭配。为了找到一个平衡点,需要考虑很多因素,这就是所谓的平衡度。如果体大尾小,线条不清晰,色彩搭配不鲜艳,会严重损害孔雀鱼的美感。因此,想要参加孔雀鱼比赛的爱好者应该特别注意“颜色”、“鳍”和“平衡”,这也是评委们关注的重点

It is the three main points of the evaluation of the peacock fish.

Peacock fish (detailed introduction) Peacock fish, as its name implies, is like a peacock's open screen. Its fins are large and have vitality, which often arouse people's admiration. Color, fin and balance are the three main points in the evaluation of peacock fish. 1、 Color requirements: The peacock fish has two requirements for color: (1) the color should be symmetrical; (2) the color difference should be clear. The thickness and thickness of the color density is not the key point of the requirement, because if the color system is not uniform, it will form a totem with color blocks, which is called speckles. If the color blocks can't be dispersed again, it will kill the "future" of this peacock. The reason why we don't care about the thickness and thickness of the color of the peacock fish is mainly because it has its own beauty and characteristics. So if you compare the so-called blue tail dresses, you will find that there are dozens of them, which of course includes the arrangement and combination of body color, tail color and tail shape. Although the color of the peacock fish is not as changeable as that of the crow fish, it has also increased a lot with the continuous improvement of the enthusiasts. Among the basic strains of the peacock fish, there are also varieties that are comparable to the clangfish, such as mosaic, Milky Way, Grasstail, and so on. 2、 Fin requirements: "fin" is almost the focus of the evaluation of the peacock fish! The ancestors named this fish "peacock fish", which not only shows people's preference for it, but also shows the unique artistic conception of Chinese characters. Peacock fish, as its name implies, is like a peacock with its fins open. Its large and vigorous fins often cause people's admiration. Because of this, the special tail types such as sword tail, spear tail, needle tail and so on are less popular, and because few people pay attention to it, it is difficult to find such varieties, and it is more difficult to discuss the excellent varieties, which greatly increases the difficulty of improving such special fish species. When people blindly ask for big dorsal fins and big tail fins, they also don't forget to add some seasonings. The shape, color and even pattern of the fins are required. So as far as "fin" is concerned, it is too difficult to be choosy. At present, at home and even internationally, the aesthetic focus of the guppy is almost concentrated on the dorsal fin and caudal fin, and the main focus is the male guppy; The female fish is only used as a reference for the review. In the life history of the guppy, the male guppy has taken on the burden of genetics and species classification, thus greatly increasing its sense of value. Therefore, for countries where the competition has been held for a long time, the male guppies account for almost seven tenths of a pair of guppies. Generally speaking, male guppies are more expensive than female guppies; This is different from the domestic values. The Chinese believe that the female guppy will continue to produce small fish, so its price is higher than the male guppy. In foreign countries, it is believed that the acquisition rate of high-quality male fish is far lower than that of female guppies, and sometimes there are few satisfactory ones selected at a time, so foreign countries sometimes only sell male fish. I wonder what you think is reasonable? 3、 Requirements for balance degree: balance degree includes the matching of body and tail fin, body color and tail color, and even the matching of tail grain and tail color. So many factors are considered to find a balance point, which is called balance degree. If the body is large and the tail is small, the lines are not clear, and the color matching is not bright, it will seriously damage the aesthetic feeling of the peacock fish. Therefore, enthusiasts who want to participate in the peacock fish competition should pay special attention to "color", "fin" and "balance", which are also the focus of the judges