
访客 发布于 2023-01-25 阅读(33)









事实上,这篇文章更多地关注观赏鱼的市场和两种观赏鱼的比较分析。也许这对我们普通的鱼类爱好者来说并不特别重要。但是,如果你从事这个行业,例如,水族馆商店的老板,或者这个行业的其他市场相关工作。我想这个According to the market analysis of the fighting fish and the peacock fish in Thailand, the practitioners in the aquarium industry need to have a kind of ability

I like fish farming, especially when I was young, I have a special liking for the fighting fish in Thailand and the peacock fish. I remember at that time when I just studied biology in school, so I had a bold idea, thinking whether the peacock fish and the Thai betta could cross? If the Thai betta has such a beautiful fin and a beautiful tattoo pattern as the peacock fish, wouldn't it be a very ornamental fish

[When I was young, who had few illusions] Unfortunately, I learned later that these two kinds of fish are not the same species or family at all. It's just that they all live in the tropics and are tropical fish. It is not a close relationship, let alone geographical origin, and it is impossible to mate. Then I learned genetic engineering in biology, and I wondered which day genetic engineering would combine them to realize my bold idea? However, it seems that it has not been realized, but it is hard to say whether it will be realized in the future. In fact, what this article wants to share with you is the difference between the two beautiful tropical ornamental fish, Thai betta and peacock, in their position in the ornamental fish market. Or to put it a little higher, the market analysis of these two common tropical ornamental fish

The origin of Thai betta is in Southeast Asia. At the beginning, it first entered our Chinese market. It is a horsetail variety, which is the most common variety. At that time, it was mainly red and blue, because red and blue were particularly bright. It's hard not to find this kind of fish when passing by the stall. So when the Thai betta just landed in the domestic market, it also quickly seized the mental ladder of domestic fish lovers, which was very popular! Until now, Thailand has added different kinds of fighting fish, including lion king, half moon, general, big ear, and so on. This will enrich the species of Thai betta and maintain a high level of activity in the ornamental fish market

Thai betta

Generally, we appreciate ornamental fish mainly for two reasons. First, the color of the ornamental fish is very beautiful, which meets our aesthetic standards. Secondly, it is the appreciation of behavior, that is, there are some ornamental fish, their behavior is very unique, very ornamental. For example, some courtship behaviors, some land grabbing behaviors, some parenting behaviors, and so on

It happens that Thai betta is a kind of ornamental fish that both have. Because first of all, their colors are very beautiful, and the shape of their special fins is also very ornamental for some half months after the launch of the Lion King. In addition, Thai matadors are also very unique in fighting, courtship and childcare. Therefore, they have strong comprehensive appreciation. Another important thing is that Thai betta is also a small tropical ornamental fish that is easy to breed. Therefore, it is not difficult for novices to get started. Theoretically, they should also be popular favorites in the market. But after accumulating a large amount of data, I found that the popularity of the Thai betta market is not as high as that of the peacock fish. Why

[The greatest advantage is the greatest disadvantage] Although the Thai betta has great advantages in the aspect of behavior appreciation, there is one characteristic that is very important. That is Thai betta. If you want to raise it in a better state, you must raise it separately. Because we all know that the male of two Thai bettas will fight when they are raised together, and the long fins are basically damaged and cannot recover. So generally, they can only look at each other through the glass aquarium without hurting each other, so as to see their performance and appreciate their special behavior

On the other hand, if you look at the peacock fish, even a medium-sized fish tank of 40cm in size can hold 40 or 50 peacock fish. Imagine that if we want to raise forty or fifty Thai bettas, we need forty or fifty fish tanks, which is hard for ordinary fish lovers to accept. It is precisely because of this that the influence of Thai betta in the ornamental fish market is restricted. Because it is the consumers who ultimately pay for this market. If the consumer conditions do not allow so many animals to be raised, the quantity of animals in the natural market will be balanced accordingly

The snake king peacock fish

But the peacock fish is different, the more the better! If a lot of friends have a fish tank that doesn't work, open another one. It's very comfortable to look at the tanks of peacock fish in the house. So even the peacock fish can't compete with the Thai betta in terms of comprehensive ornamental. However, their numbers are mostly based on their numbers, so after the emergence of the Thai betta, they still maintained the dominant position in the small tropical ornamental fish market

[What is the significance of discussing these issues?] The article is written here, and the friends here may have some doubts. What is the significance of discussing this issue

In fact, my original intention is to hope that friends who pay attention to "fish farming" can not only learn some dry goods and experience of fish farming from here, but also learn some other things that extend from watching fish. This is where the hobby of fish farming really improves us. To be frank, in the process of writing the article, I have my own thinking and summary, which is also a process of exercise

In fact, this article focuses more on the market of ornamental fish and the comparative analysis of the two kinds of ornamental fish. Perhaps it is not particularly important for our ordinary fish lovers. But if you are engaged in this industry, for example, the owner of an aquarium shop, or other market-related work in this industry. I think this article is more or less of reference value. In addition to the content of the article, I hope I can share my thoughts on market analysis with you

An ornamental fish fishery

To add a digression, a friend was asking about opening an aquarium a while ago. If you are more willing to analyze from these perspectives, it is not difficult to find that it is difficult to make money in traditional aquarium stores. But on the contrary, the more thorough the analysis of this industry, the more confident we will be in entering this industry, and the more confident we will be about what to do next. This is a kind of ability that I think the practitioners in the aquarium industry need to possess. Today we can make a comparison between Thailand's fighting fish and peacock fish, and tomorrow we can make a comparison between dragon fish and ray fish. Only by knowing the market trend faster can we get to the commanding heights of the battlefield faster. I hope you can make progress together from one hobby, which is fish farming