
访客 发布于 2023-01-27 阅读(18)




红白锦鲤的底色是白色,带有红色条纹,这是日本锦鲤的正统,有“从红白开始,最后红白”的美誉。红白锦鲤最有价值的品种是眼睛上方的白色和深红色;第二个是嘴巴。没有深红色,只有白色的鱼。根据其背上条纹的数量、形状和位置,可分为以下几个品种:(1)红白两段锦鲤在白色鱼身上有两段猩红的条纹,就像红色的日落一样,明亮耀眼。躯干红斑应左右对称。(2) 三段红白锦鲤在白鱼背部有三段红色条纹,非常醒目。(3) 四段红白锦鲤散布在银白色的鱼身上,有四个鲜红色的斑点。(4) 一条红锦鲤从头部到尾柄有一条红色的带子。(5) 闪电条纹红白相间的锦鲤从头部到尾部都有一条红色条纹。条纹的形状就像雷雨中闪电的曲线,因此得名。(6) 富士红白锦鲤头上有银白色的粒状斑点,就像富士山顶上的雪一样。然而,这种斑点通常只出现在1或2岁的鱼身上。(7) 皇家樱桃鲤鱼的小红点聚集成葡萄状图案,均匀分布在鱼背部的两侧。(8) 金色樱桃鲤鱼皇家宫殿金色樱桃鲤鱼被称为金色樱桃鲤鱼,其鲜红色的鳞片在边缘镶嵌着金色的线条。这是一种罕见的美丽的品种

The shape characteristics of red and white koi

Red and white koi

Red and white koi is a representative species of koi. Because of its special appearance, red and white koi is deeply loved by koi lovers. It is very easy to raise red and white koi, and the feeding requirements are not strict

The background color of red and white koi is white with red stripes, which is the orthodoxy of Japanese koi, and has the reputation of "starting from red and white, and finally red and white". The most valuable variety of red and white koi is the white and crimson color above the eyes; The second is the mouth. There is no crimson but only white fish. According to the number, shape and position of the stripes on its back, it can be divided into the following varieties: (1) The two sections of red and white koi have two sections of scarlet stripes on the white fish body, just like the red sunset, bright and dazzling. The erythema of the trunk should be symmetrical to the left and right. (2) Three sections of red and white koi bear three sections of red stripes on the back of the white fish, which are very striking. (3) Four sections of red and white koi are scattered with four bright red spots on the silvery white fish body. (4) A red koi has a red band from its head to its tail handle. (5) Lightning streaks The red and white koi fish has a red stripe from head to tail. The shape of the stripe is like the curve of lightning in a thunderstorm, so it is named. (6) Fuji red and white koi have silvery white granular spots on their heads, like the snow on the top of Fuji Mountain. However, this spot generally only appears on the 1st or 2nd age fish. (7) The small red spots of the Royal Cherry Carp gather into grape-like patterns and are evenly distributed on both sides of the back of the fish. (8) Golden Cherry Carp Royal Palace Golden Cherry Carp is known as Golden Cherry Carp, whose bright red scales are inlaid with golden lines on the edge. This is a rare variety with beautiful appearance