
访客 发布于 2023-01-27 阅读(17)





The breeding environment of red and white carp

Red and white carp

Although it is not difficult to raise red and white carp, it is also necessary to observe the fish pond or aquarium in daily management to raise beautiful and strong red and white carp. Pay special attention to the water color. If conditions permit, it is best to test various indicators of water quality

To make the red and white koi grow bigger, it must be kept in a larger pond. Excessive density will inhibit its growth, which must be noted. It has a variety of eating habits and is acceptable to both natural and artificial feeds. Pay attention that the amount of feed per time should not be too much to avoid polluting the water quality. In order to save time, special feed can also be used for feeding, which is simple and can also reduce the occurrence of enteritis and other diseases. Be careful not to make the environment too shady. Proper sunlight is very important to ensure the normal growth of red and white koi, especially in winter when the temperature is low. In hot summer, the continuous exposure of the sun will make the water temperature rise quickly. If the feeding water is small, which is not conducive to the growth of koi carp, measures such as shading should be taken to cool down. The red and white carp has strong adaptability to temperature changes, and it grows well in the temperature range of 18~24 ℃. Red and white koi have a strong rebellious nature. Under good management, they are usually not easy to get sick and are rarely attacked by parasites