
访客 发布于 2023-01-27 阅读(16)
















The breeding method of koi


koi is a large ornamental fish. Generally, it is better to use a large fish tank to breed koi, so that koi can have enough space to move. Now most koi are mainly artificial breeding, so the owner should pay attention to several aspects when breeding koi at home

1、 Selection and configuration of aquariums

Different specifications of aquariums should be selected according to family conditions. However, due to the different living habits of koi and goldfish, which are large in size and strong in activity, the aquariums should not be too small. Generally, the water capacity should not be less than 60 kg. The aquarium should be properly enlarged for raising large size koi, and the water capacity should not be less than 200 kg. Due to the large activity and high oxygen consumption of koi, the aquarium should be equipped with water filter and oxygen pump to ensure sufficient oxygen in the water and clean water quality

2、 Feed and feeding method

Koi is an omnivorous fish. No matter animal feed or plant feed can be selected as koi feed, such as water flea, water earthworm, rice pasta, etc. However, it is better to choose synthetic bait for ornamental fish. When feeding in the aquarium, special attention should be paid to the feeding amount should not be too large. According to the viewing conditions on weekdays, only 70% or 80% full can be fed. Otherwise, it will cause adverse consequences, ranging from indigestion of fish to damage of water quality by leftover food. It is best not to feed at night

3、 Water quality and temperature

The feeding conditions of koi are different from that of goldfish. It needs higher water quality conditions, and the pH value should be neutral (PH7-7.4). The turbid and white water in the aquarium is the most likely to cause dead fish. In this case, timely measures should be taken or all the water should be replaced. The water temperature is generally kept between 15-25 ℃

4、 Not suitable for mixed breeding

Koi is a kind of omnivorous large ornamental fish. The living habits of various ornamental fish are different, so it is better not to mix with other ornamental fish. When raising koi, because everyone's hobbies are different, the breeding conditions are also different, so the choice of koi should be based on personal hobbies, breeding level and family conditions. Pay attention to the following points when selecting:

1. It is a koi with proper shape. Like other fish, koi carp may have some abnormalities in heredity. Some young fish have congenital malformations, such as head skew and body bending. This fish has no ornamental value and should be eliminated first

2. Pay attention to whether the fish body has obvious trauma, bleeding and other symptoms. Although some fish have no obvious traumatic disease, they are sluggish in swimming and lack of appetite, often floating on the water or stuck in the corner of the aquarium, which means that the internal organs of the fish have other diseases and should not be selected

3. It is to select the fish with obvious variety characteristics, that is, select the individuals with pure color and can form certain artistic patterns

4. Pay attention to the color and variety

5、 Precautions

For the koi fish just bought from outside, please pay attention to the correct treatment method. Do not pour it into the fish tank or fish pond immediately after buying it, because there will be a difference in water temperature. You need to immerse the koi fish with the bag in the water, and let it stand for about 30 minutes. When the water temperature inside and outside the bag reaches the same, then pour the koi fish with the water into the empty basin, otherwise the water temperature difference will be 2-3 ℃, and the koi fish will catch cold and get sick. In addition, if the newly bought koi fish is to be mixed with the previous fish, it is better to put it in five thousandths of salt water for a few days for isolation observation, and it is necessary to carry out insecticidal and sterilization procedures, so as to prevent the new fish from carrying diseases and insect pathogens to the original healthy fish

Like the goldfish, the requirements for water temperature and quality are not very strict. The temperature range of the goldfish is 2 ℃~30 ℃. However, it should be noted that the goldfish can not resist sudden changes in water temperature. For example, the temperature difference of water suddenly exceeds 2 ℃~3 ℃. The goldfish will have discomfort. The optimum water temperature for breeding the goldfish is 20 ℃~25 ℃, which requires sufficient oxygen, and is suitable for living in a slightly alkaline and low hardness water environment

Koi fish have low requirements for the environment, but Koi fish can't adapt to the changes of water temperature from cold to hot. During the breeding process, it is important to control the water temperature of the aquarium and keep the water clean