
访客 发布于 2023-01-27 阅读(18)


锦鲤(详情)无论锦鲤是养在池塘里还是养在水族馆里,都要注意品种匹配和饲养密度,这样才能保证锦鲤的生长环境和美丽。1、 当锦鲤品种在花园池塘中饲养时,它们一般是红白相间、大而白、昭和、金色或白金、秋水、淡黄色等。在水族馆中,人们只能观看锦鲤的侧面。他们可以选择鱼经历反射的锦鲤种类,如黄金、白金、松叶金、山吹金等,然后与德国鲤鱼搭配。然而,无论是在池塘还是水族馆饲养,大多数都是颜色鲜艳的锦鲤,辅以深色、有光泽和优雅的锦鲤


Variety matching and breeding density of koi

Koi (details) No matter whether koi is raised in pond or aquarium, attention should be paid to variety matching and breeding density, so as to ensure the growth environment and beauty of koi. 1、 When the koi species are fed in the garden pond, they are generally red and white, big and white, Showa, gold or platinum, autumn water, light yellow, etc. In the aquarium, people can only watch the side of the koi. They can choose the koi species such as gold, platinum gold, pine leaf gold, mountain blowing gold, etc. that the fish experience reflection, and then match with the German carp. However, whether it is raised in the pond or aquarium, most of them are brightly colored koi, supplemented by dark, shiny and elegant ones

2、 The feeding density of koi carp Before feeding koi carp, the size of the feeding container and the tail number of koi carp that can be accommodated should be considered first. Secondly, the feeding density should be adjusted according to the size of the container, water volume, water temperature, oxygenation status, fish size and growth. The appreciation of koi mainly depends on its gorgeous colors, vigorous body shape, elegant movements and the beautiful posture of group swimming. Moreover, koi must be viewed from the back, that is, from the top, which is the best. If viewed from the side, it will be much worse. In order to fully meet these conditions, only garden and pond breeding is necessary. However, as urban residents, not everyone has a garden, which can be replaced by an aquarium