
访客 发布于 2023-01-27 阅读(22)



锦鱼,又名鲤鱼,拉丁学名Cyprinus carpio。锦鲤在中国被广泛用作风水鱼和宠物观赏鱼。由于其独特的美丽,自传入日本以来也深受日本的喜爱。此外,养锦鲤并不难。Phyla:脊索动物门:辐鳍鱼纲:鲤属物种:鲤属;动物区系:脊椎动物:辐鳍鱼纲:鲤科:鲤科

Introduction to koi species

koi (details)

koi, also known as carp, Latin scientific name Cyprinus carpio. Koi is widely raised as geomantic fish and pet ornamental fish in China. Because of its unique beauty, it has also been deeply loved by Japan since it was introduced into Japan. Moreover, it is not difficult to raise koi. Phyla: chordate phyla: radioptera: cyprinus carpio species: cyprinus carpio; Fauna: Vertebrata: Radioptera: Cyprinidae: Cyprinidae