
访客 发布于 2023-01-27 阅读(24)



我经常听到锦鲤主人抱怨锦鲤买回家的锦鲤会褪色,远不如商店里的锦鲤漂亮,甚至有些买家怀疑是否有问题。现在让我告诉你锦鲤褪色的原因以及如何防止它褪色。1、 锦鲤褪色的原因1。锦鲤褪色严重的原因是许多水族馆的商家给锦鲤喂食了大量的增色剂饲料,这使得锦鲤的颜色非常鲜艳漂亮。回家喂食后,饲养员选择普通饲料,这会导致锦鲤鲜艳的颜色慢慢褪色。2.环境变化研究还发现,锦鲤褪色的原因不仅与遗传因素有关,还受到环境和人为因素的影响。比如水质环境变化、水温变化、水质环境变得浑浊等等,此外,饲料中色素的添加、营养的缺乏或饲料中营养的不平衡,都会在一定程度上影响锦鲤的体色变化。2、 如何防止锦鲤褪色1。选择一个好卖家来喂养锦鲤。我们不建议用色素饲料喂养它。相反,我们应该科学、健康地培育锦鲤。首先,从声誉良好的水族馆商店购买优质锦鲤鱼,并将它们喂回家。在购买之前,最好通过网络或朋友了解水族馆商店的声誉,并考虑是否去那里。与其买锦鲤然后修理它,不如谨慎行事。饲料应该是健康的,锦鲤的饲养应该做好。首先,质量保证:饲料应新鲜干净。第二,口粮:根据不同的季节和气候适当喂养。第三是定时:应按照一定的时间进行投料。第四是定位:喂食不应遍布整个水池,而是在一个地方进行管理和观察。3.水管理问题观察水的颜色。如果水体严重发绿,需要考虑清洗是否不及时,是否残留饵料过多;如果有异味,说明水质发生了变化。有必要注意水的变化和疾病的预防。此外,我们需要注意氧合。一般来说,我们应该在喂食前后充氧半小时。我们应该在早上和晚上经常观察,看看是否有缺氧,鱼体是否发生了变化

The reasons for the fading of koi and how to prevent it

Koi (details)

I often hear the complaints of koi owners that the koi bought home will fade away, far less beautiful than in the store, and even some buyers wonder if there is any problem. Now let me tell you the reason why the koi fade and how to prevent it from fading. 1、 The reason for the color fading of the koi carp 1. The reason for the serious color fading of the koi carp is that many aquarium merchants have fed the koi carp with a large amount of color enhancer feed, which makes the color of the koi carp very bright and beautiful. After returning home to feed, the breeders choose ordinary feed, which will cause the bright color of the koi to fade slowly. 2. The study of environmental change also found that the cause of color fading of koi carp was not only related to genetic factors, but also affected by environmental and human factors. For example, the water quality environment changes, the water temperature changes, the water quality environment becomes turbid, and so on. In addition, the addition of pigment in the feed, the lack of nutrition or the imbalance of nutrition in the feed will, to a certain extent, affect the body color changes of koi. 2、 How to prevent the koi from fading 1. Choose a good seller to feed koi. We do not recommend feeding it with pigmented feed. On the contrary, we should cultivate koi scientifically and healthily. First of all, buy high-quality koi fish from reputable aquarium stores and feed them home. Before purchasing, it is better to know the reputation of the aquarium store through the Internet or friends and consider whether to go there. It is better to be cautious than to buy the koi and then repair it. 2. The feed should be healthy, and the feeding of koi should be done well. First, quality assurance: feed should be fresh and clean. Second, ration: feed properly according to different seasons and climates. The third is timing: feeding should be carried out according to a certain time. The fourth is positioning: feeding should not be spread all over the pool, but in one place for management and observation. 3. Water management problems Observe water color. If the water body is seriously green, it is necessary to consider whether the cleaning is not timely and whether there are too many residual bait; If there is a peculiar smell, it means that the water quality has changed. It is necessary to pay attention to water change and disease prevention. In addition, we need to pay attention to oxygenation. Generally, we should oxygenate for half an hour before and after feeding. We should observe it frequently in the morning and evening to see whether there is anoxia and whether the fish body has changed