
访客 发布于 2023-01-27 阅读(22)




How to treat the white frost on the brocade carp?

The white frost on the brocade carp may be caused by the infection of water mold. If the brocade carp has a wound, the water mold bacteria will enter the brocade carp's body through the wound. After the infection of koi carp, substances like white fog will appear on the body

At this time, it is necessary to put the diseased fish into a low concentration of malachite green solution for medical treatment. It may also be caused by infection with perforation disease. Add three filters of sodium acetate and salt into the water to soak the carp. The dosage of the drug is 1 ton of water mixed with 1 gram of sodium acetate and 5 kilograms of salt. Generally, it can recover in about a week

Another possibility is that the water is slightly acidic. At this time, only put the koi in alkaline water and slowly maintain it for a period of time, and they can recover